How to help the environment during lockdown?

Since the Covid situation is still here and most of us are in quarantine, we have prepared some life hacks and suggested a challenge, which can help the environment and can easily be tried at home.

Let's start with the ones that should be already a part of our lives:


Instead of taking a bath, take a quick shower. You can save more water by doing that and also by replacing hot water with cold - that can also help to prevent illnesses by boosting your immune system.


If you are using a mask, use a textile one, if possible. You can wash it and wear it again, more than once, in comparison with the disposable one. They are also much more beautiful! ;)

Waste sorting

It was already common before the pandemic, so just continue sorting and recycling your garbage. As we are at home now, our waste is increasing.

Some less popular ways, but definitely worth trying:


Compost is basically a trash can for the food you have not consumed. The mass that is made in the compost is usually used as manure.

- You can buy your own if you have the money and space for it.

- If you cannot have your own, but a member of your family or one of your friends has one, ask them for permission to use it. For example, store your “compost” in a container (it can be an old jar) and once a week throw it into their compost.

- If you only have a small garden in your flat complex, start a compost with your neighbours. You can all buy one and use it together.

Fast fashion

Stop buying new clothes just because you are bored. Go through all of your old clothes and decide which ones you want to keep and actually wear. You may find some good pieces you already have forgotten about. So instead of buying a new T-shirt, remake an old one by dyeing it, or cropping it into a crop-top, etc.

Walks in nature

The only option to take a nice walk in this situation is to go to nature. Take a bag and collect some trash you may find next to the road.


Try to cook your own meals (you may find your new passion 😉) by finding some vegan or vegetarian recipes.

Challenge of the month: Lower your meat consumption: go one week without any meat or go one month eating meat twice a week (or less)!

MEGA Club Slovakia