Carlos Orea

It was a great experience to have the opportunity to spend some days in the public Rudbeck School in Stockholm.

 Here, at home, in some cases, we always have the reference of the public Nordic school. The high level of the public system is well known. What are really the differences? Teacher motivation? All kinds of facilities? Pedagogical methods?? Let's see them all.

Well, during my time there I learned quite a lot: To start with, the public education system is based on a model of autonomy of the center. More efficiency, as principals can manage and make decisions more efficiently. Much more and better facilities and services, as example, free meals and breakfast  (really good) for every student every day and the relationship between teacher/student more significant.

In my case, in the Physical Education and Sports Department I could experience very different models of class with different teachers. In general, lessons are very well prepared,  the students are very motivated and there are different pedagogical styles. At Rudbeck School the studies program includes 2 Specific Programs (orienteering and athletics). This is one of the reasons for the high level of motricity you can find in students.

But the most important difference with our public system is related to the facilities. Even in a public school you have all kinds of material, indoor and outdoor courts that help you to create an adequate atmosphere to put in practice in good conditions your learning activities. This is mainly the biggest difference I always find, even more when we speak in Physical Education terms.

To come to an end, I would like to  thank the Erasmus + program and  the team of Rudbeck School, especially to Marie Farhaeus, who made my experience something very similar to be at home.