My trip to Poland started the 5th of October and ended on the 9th on a Sunday. The journey was quite long and tiring, we arrived in Toruń at night around 22:30, and although it was late and my family lived far from the meeting point, they welcomed me so well.

The next day we had the open ceremony of the MUN and we started debating in our respective committees. Something that I am very grateful for is that the majority in my committee (which was UNICEF) had not participated in any MUN before, so we all felt safer when it came to making mistakes.

On Friday we finished the debates in our committees and in the afternoon there was a party organized at the high school.

Sadly, Saturday was the last day of the MUN,the General Assembly was helded and we got reach the final resolution of the ToMUN, then we had the closing ceremony where we were given diplomas.

It was very sad to have to say goodbye to ToMUN, I hope I will meet again the friends I made there, but all the memories and anecdotes that I have taken from here are more than good. I hope that next year I can repeat this experience again and to anyone who asks me if it was worth it and I recommend it, I will definitely say yes.

I think the Erasmus+ club and the MUN debates has given me an opportunity that I wouldn't find anywhere else. I definitely recommend it, it gives not only the chance to travel, but also it has given me the chance to learn directly how the United Nations works, at the same time I have improved my public speaking skills and have expanded my knowledge of current world politics. In the other hand, I’ve met new people with the same interests as me in this club and it’s something I’m very grateful for.

We are lucky to have this club and projects in our high school, go ahead and take advantage!!