The first day, we went to the train station to take a train to Madrid. Then we moved to the airport and we took a flight to Warsaw.

Here we took a bus and we went to Toruń, we met the families and rested until the next day.

The next day we started having the starting ceremony and then everybody went to their respectives committees. We discussed it for about 2 hours and then we went to have lunch. Then we continued the debate until we had finished (2 hours more). Then I went home and rested until the next day.

The morning of the third day was exactly the same as the day before, but in the afternoon there was a party. We danced to Polish songs and had a wonderful night. when the party ended, the spanish group and our hosts went to the river to see the bridge, after this, we went to home to rest

The last day we started having the general assembly. We were all the countries in one room discussing one topic (respect for religious minorities) when we had finished this discussion, the chairs of the committees gave us our certificate of participation. After this I went home to get changed and then I met with the other Spanish participants to go around with our hosts.

The last day we got up at 4 am in the morning to get a bus to Warsaw at 5am. We arrived at Warsaw's airport at 9am and we took the plane to Spain then. When we were in Madrid we took a train to zaragoza and reunited with our families.

I would encourage other students to take part in another activity like this because activities like this help you to improve your English and how you deal with people. Also, everyone in this events is very nice and the atmosphere is very familiar and friendly.