The first day when we arrived, we were welcomed with open hands,the second day we had a spectacular talk and then we applied what we had learned in group discussions. We shared the ways we studied, the thingsthat made us happy and what we would do better to be happier.

The breaks between workshops were always like the breaks here in Zaragoza,thatis, as if you were with your lifelong friends.Also at lunch and dinner we always met new people. In the afternoon, we went to the beach to do a series of group games, another incredible opportunity to meet the people we had yet to meet.

The next day we visited Dendermonde and the school of the hosts of the meeting, whose students taught us to sing their anthem and some words to communicate in Dutch.After lunch, we spent the whole afternoon in Ghent.

The last day was dedicated to make a plan in groups of what we could improve in our high school to improve mental health and in the afternoon to visit Oostende. Finally in the evening,the farewell party took place which showed the bonding we did during those 3-4 days. The last morning together was at breakfast and it was the saddest one because it was time to say goodbye, but we knew that we were not saying goodbye forever because we would see each other again soon. It was simply the best experience of my life,thank you for giving me this opportunity.

It was a unique experience together with other teenagers of different European nationalities.All together we thought and drew conclusions about the importance of mental health in the school environment. Besides being from different countries, we were able to learn from each other and since we were sharing a room with other delegations, we also learned to live with people we did not know at the beginning.At the end of the meeting Valeria, my partner, and I could say that the day we arrived we met strangers that we can now call friends. I definitely encourage you to live this experience because everything you get out of this meeting will be great experiences.