Character Design project 2023

This year I developed a new end of year project and assessment. All students in Years 7-9 conducted the same project, which required them to redesign the character of either Batman, the Joker or Harleyquinn. Before beginning the project, it was explained that the aim of this work, was to gain an insight into how it would be if your profession was working as a Character Designer. Students learned about the processes that designers go through and the importance of having a deep understanding of the character's story and personality, to be able to convey this in their visual characteristics. Students took inspiration from both direct and non-direct resources of their own choosing, to develop fresh and original designs for these longstanding, well-known figures in popular culture. The project also made use of contemporary methods of art making, using digital illustration programs as well as AI to assist the development of ideas.  Working in groups and assigning each other roles, they developed presentations, which they then presented to the class and were assessed on. Students in all year groups really enjoyed the project, working very enthusiastically and collaboratively, below are some of the projects they created. Some students then shared their presentations in a live online session with our sister schools in Spain. The project used the TIM Model, of using technology to enhance learning. 

Abril, Gabriela, Tini, Lucia, Carmen, Maria, Sofia (Year 7)

Carla Andrea Albulescu (Year 8)

The joker.mp4
Copia de art's horRor.mp4