Folgueroles World Population Conference

Would the world be better without borders?


Project plan

Session 1

Session 2

Session 3

Session 4

Do people have the right to move from one country to another to search for a better life? Are politicians taking the right decisions regarding migrations? In this project we will have our say on these questions because we are going to put ourselves in the shoes of country leaders! Are you ready to run the world? 

The project is organized in four sessions and we are going to work in teams. In session one we will learn about the institution of the United Nations: why was it created? Who are its members? Which are its goals? Then, we will see how the human population has evolved through time. In session two, we will work on some demographic concepts such as population, birth and death rates, migration rates, growth rates or life expectancy. Afterwards, each team is going to be assigned a country and they will conduct some research about it in order to create a poster with data regarding its population, quality of life, etc. In session three, after studying the concept of migrations and its factors, each team will decide what they would do regarding migration if they were the country leaders. What a responsibility! 

Finally, the last session will be devoted to holding the Folgueroles World Population Conference where we will talk about migrations and we will try to find an agreement on this issue. The two 2nd ESO classrooms will meet in a joint session where each team will represent the country they have been researching on.  We will sit at a big round table, with our country’s flags on it, as if we were at a United Nations conference. We will take turns to present the data regarding population in our country (using a poster), to explain the migration policy we have designed for your country (using a digital presentation), we will discuss the topic and, finally, we will vote according to UN’s rule “one country, one vote” (equal right to decide).