Ms. Amy


   This is my second year at TCIS, but it is my 13th year as an educator. Prior to TCIS, I taught nine years in Kindergarten and three years in second grade. I graduated from UW-Stout with a bachelor's in Early Childhoods Education and am currently earning my Master's degree in Differentiated Instruction at Concordia University. 

   I live in Minneapolis and am extremely close with my family; though most of them live far away, I am grateful to have my mom and dad nearby. 

  Kindergarten is an exciting year of all things new. It's a wonderful learning adventure while having the opportunity to create meaningful friendships. This year is going to be exceptional!

Random Facts About Ms. 

Undergraduate Degree: Early Childhood Education

Hobbies:  Reading, hiking, and downhill-skiing 

Favorite Colors: Navy blue and evergreen

Favorite Food: Too many different types to choose; but I will always pick Italian or Thai

Favorite Candy: chocolate covered peanut butter caramels

Favorite Subject: Writing and SEL (social emotional learning)

Favorite Season: Spring (Though I do enjoy Winter if it's not in Minnesota :) )

**I cannot pick favorites!

Classroom EA - Ms. Hodan

Hello, my name is Ms. Hodan

I have been working here for 3 years. I love working with the kids at our school.