8th Grade Global Studies 2024-2025
Hello! My name is Stephen Casparian and I am excited to be your teacher for Global Studies! This is my third year at TCIS and I am looking forward to getting to know you and you getting to know me. I graduated from Colorado State University with a degree in History and a minor in Political Science and a Masters Degree in education from the University of Northern Colorado.
What exactly is Global Studies?
Global Studies is an interdisciplinary program providing students the opportunity to develop their knowledge of the world and the major contemporary issues confronting humanity. Students in this major obtain a deep understanding of global issues, processes, and systems and the various implications of globalization.
Why is Global Studies important?
As our world becomes more interconnected, the need for a deeper understanding of cultural interactions becomes more important. In this class, we will learn why that is by exploring the connections between the geography, history, religions, governments, and economies of the contemporary world and issues in the global community. Skills we will focus on will be developing reading and writing with purpose, discussing and analyzing sources, the importance of empathy in our interconnected world, and how to be a global citizen.
We will use TCI Geography Alive as well as other materials throughout the year
Unit 1: Introduction to Geography
Unit 2: Government and Economic Systems
Unit 3: North America
Unit 4: Southwest Asia
Unit 5: Latin America
Unit 6:Monsoon Asia
Unit 7: Europe
Unit 8: Africa
Unit 9: Oceania and Antarctica
Links to Google Classroom
Contact Info:
(612)812-6470 ext.245