Zsófia Anna Tóth, PhD

Senior Assistant Professor 

Department of American Studies

Institute of English & American Studies

Faculty of Arts

University of Szeged, Hungary 

Office: Office 127; 6722, Szeged, Petőfi sgt. 30-34. 

Office phone: 0036/62-543-213

Office hour(s): By appointment in Office 3303 (Ady Bldg)

Mail address: Institute of English & American Studies, University of Szeged, 6722, Szeged, Egyetem u. 2.

E-mail: tothzsofianna@gmail.com

Academia.edu: https://u-szeged.academia.edu/ZsófiaAnnaTóth

Zsófia Anna TÓTH received her PhD in British and American literature and culture from the University of Szeged and is currently a senior assistant professor at the Department of American Studies, Institute of English and American Studies, University of Szeged, Hungary. Her PhD research topic – and the resulting book: Merry Murderers: The Farcical (Re)Figuration of the Femme Fatale in Maurine Dallas Watkins’ Chicago (1927) and its Various Adaptations that was published by Cambridge Scholars Publishing (UK) in 2011 – was concerned with the representation of female aggression and violence in American literature, culture and especially cinema. Her research also includes Jane Austen’s works, their adaptations as well as her legacy, the New Woman (her representation and historical, cultural and academic reception), American women writers especially Sandra Cisneros as well as Disney and Pixar animations. Her current research focuses on theories of humor, the questions of humor and gender as well as women’s humor while she is currently working on a book about the work(s), humorous products/performances and the overall phenomenon of Mae West. 

Teaching, Supervision and Research Areas:

American women writers, The New Woman (literary and cultural approaches, representations), The femme fatale (literary, cultural and filmic approaches, representations), Jane Austen (literature and film adaptations), American cinema, Early American film history, Pre-Code Hollywood, Violence in film, Disney and Pixar Animations, Cultural studies, The representation(s) of women in American visual culture, Humor theories and Comedy studies, Women's humor

Current Courses (2023/2024 Spring Semester):

Current Approaches to North-American Culture (MATE), America in the Making through Narratives until Modernism (BA), Female, Feminine, Feminist in Disney and Pixar Animations (BA), Introduction to American Literature and Culture 2X (BA)



January 13, 2011 PhD title (summa cum laude)

PhD dissertation: “The Merry Murderers”, The Farcical (Re)Figuration of the Femme Fatale in Maurine Dallas Watkins’ Chicago (1927) and its various adaptations; Supervisors: Reschné Marinovich Sarolta and Cristian Réka Mónika

2004-2007 University of Szeged, Institute of English and American Studies, Doctoral studies

2001-2003 University of Szeged, Faculty of Arts, Hungarian Studies minor

2000-2003 University of Szeged, Faculty of Arts, European Studies minor

1998-2003 University of Szeged, Faculty of Arts, Institute of English and American Studies, English major




Books, Journal Issues, Edited Volumes

 2023 Guest editor: AMERICANA, E-Journal of American Studies in Hungary, Special Issue on American Humor, Zsófia Anna Tóth (ed), Volume XIX, Number 1, 2023, available: https://americanaejournal.hu/vol19no1

2023 Further Critical, Theoretical and Analytical Explorations of US Culture, Literature and History. Szeged Series in American Studies #3. Zsófia Anna Tóth and Zoltán Vajda (ed). Szeged: AMERICANA e-Books. 2023. (ISBN 978-615-5423-88-8, ISBN 978-615-5423-87-1) available: https://ebooks.americanaejournal.hu/books/szesas03/

2012    American Studies and Visuality – on the horizon of information society. Zoltán Vajda and Zsófia Anna Tóth (ed). Special Issue: Proceedings of the American Studies and Visuality – on the horizon of information society Conference (the collection of the papers presented in English), AMERICANA, E-Journal of American Studies in Hungary, Volume VIII, Number 1, Spring 2012. (ISSN: 1787-4637), available: http://americanaejournal.hu/vol8no1

2012    Amerikanisztika és vizualitás. Metszéspontok az információs társadalom horizontján. Zoltán Vajda and Zsófia Anna Tóth (ed). Conference proceedings of the Amerikanisztika és vizualitás metszéspontjai az információs társadalom horizontján Konferencia (the collection of the papers presented in Hungarian), AMERICANA eBooks, ISBN: 978-963-89514-3-4 (.prc);  978-963-89514-2-7 (.epub), available: http://ebooks.americanaejournal.hu/books/amerikanisztika-es-vizualitas/ 

2011    Merry Murderers: The Farcical (Re)Figuration of the Femme Fatale in Maurine Dallas Watkins’ Chicago (1927) and its Various Adaptations. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2011. (ISBN (10): 1-4438-3171-9, ISBN (13): 978-1-4438-3171-0)

2011    A varázsgyűrűtől az interkonfesszionális kommunikációig: Információtudományi metszéspontok bölcsészeti megközelítésben. (editor) Szeged: Primaware, 2011. (ISBN 978-963-306-108-4), available: http://otodikalprogram.huminf.u-szeged.hu/sites/default/files/Konyvek/TZsA_ebookInftud%20a%20bolcseszetben_szerk.pdf


Essays, Articles

2023 “Sisu(datu), the Funny Female Dragon of the Disney Universe” in

AMERICANA, E-Journal of American Studies in Hungary, Special Issue on American Humor, Volume XIX, Number 1, 2023, available: https://americanaejournal.hu/vol19no1/tzsa

2023 Book Review: “Review of the Disney Princess Phenomenon” in AMERICANA, E-Journal of American Studies in Hungary, Special Issue on American Humor, Volume XIX, Number 1, 2023, available: https://americanaejournal.hu/vol19no1/tzsa-rev

2023 “Introduction” by Zsófia Anna Tóth in AMERICANA, E-Journal of American Studies in Hungary, Special Issue on American Humor, Volume XIX, Number 1, 2023, available: https://americanaejournal.hu/vol19no1/tzsa-intro

2023 “Emily Brontë (1818 – 1848) portréja” (“The Portrait of Emily Brontë (1818 – 1848)”) in Újkor.hu 2023. december 19. available: https://ujkor.hu/content/emily-bronte-1818-1848-portreja  

2023 “The Filmic Representations of Femmes Fatales within Information Society” in Further Critical, Theoretical and Analytical Explorations of US Culture, Literature and History. Szeged Series in American Studies #3. Zsófia Anna Tóth and Zoltán Vajda (ed). Szeged: AMERICANA e-Books. 2023, 132-141. (ISBN 978-615-5423-88-8, ISBN 978-615-5423-87-1) available: https://ebooks.americanaejournal.hu/books/szesas03/

2023 “Changes in the Representation of Female Aggression in the Various Versions of Maurine Dallas Watkins’s Chicago” in Further Critical, Theoretical and Analytical Explorations of US Culture, Literature and History. Szeged Series in American Studies #3. Zsófia Anna Tóth and Zoltán Vajda (ed). Szeged: AMERICANA e-Books. 2023, 109-131. (ISBN 978-615-5423-88-8, ISBN 978-615-5423-87-1) available: https://ebooks.americanaejournal.hu/books/szesas03/

2023 “Emily Dickinson’s Death Poetry Reinterpreted through the Lens of Humor and Catachresis” in Further Critical, Theoretical and Analytical Explorations of US Culture, Literature and History. Szeged Series in American Studies #3. Zsófia Anna Tóth and Zoltán Vajda (ed). Szeged: AMERICANA e-Books. 2023, 71-108. (ISBN 978-615-5423-88-8, ISBN 978-615-5423-87-1) available: https://ebooks.americanaejournal.hu/books/szesas03/

2023 “Introduction” by Zsófia Anna Tóth and Zoltán Vajda. In Further Critical, Theoretical and Analytical Explorations of US Culture, Literature and History. Szeged Series in American Studies #3. Zsófia Anna Tóth and Zoltán Vajda (ed). Szeged: AMERICANA e-Books. 2023, 1-4. (ISBN 978-615-5423-88-8, ISBN 978-615-5423-87-1) available: https://ebooks.americanaejournal.hu/books/szesas03/

2023 „Joseph Heller, a háborúellenes tiltakozások irodalmának kulcsfigurája” („Joseph Heller, a Key Figure in Protest Literature”) in Újkor.hu 2023.05.01. https://ujkor.hu/content/joseph-heller-a-haboruellenes-tiltakozasok-irodalmanak-kulcsfiguraja

2023 „A feminista humor lehetőségei” (The Possibilities of Feminist Humor) in "So Far So Good" Festschrift in Honour of Erzsébet Barát / Tanulmányok Barát Erzsébet köszöntésére. Edited by Anna Kérchy and Irén Annus. Szeged: TNT eBooks, 2023, 217-226.ISSN 2939-7952ISBN (pdf) 978-963-306-916-5 ISBN (print) 978-963-306-915-8 DOI: 10.14232/tntebooks.1.2023 


2022 Book Review: “Becoming Carole Lombard: Stardom, Comedy, and Legacy. By Olympia Kiriakou. New York: Bloomsbury, 2020. 231 pp. Reviewed by Zsófia Anna Tóth” in in Studies in American Humor Volume 8 Issue 2 (2022), pp. 404-407. Penn State University Press (ISSN: 0095280X, https://doi.org/10.5325/studamerhumor.8.2.0404). available: https://scholarlypublishingcollective.org/psup/american-humor/issue/8/2  

2022 “Jane Austen, the Humourist” in Fidele Signaculum. Írások Szőnyi György Endre tiszteletére. / Writings in Honour of György Endre Szőnyi. Edited by Attila Kiss, Ágnes Matuska és Róbert Péter. Szeged: Szegedi Tudományegyetem, Bölcsészet- és Társadalomtudományi Kar, Angol-Amerikai Intézet, 2022, 959-970.                           https://www.ieas-szeged.hu/ieas-e-books/?fbclid=IwAR2QhdtGCUM8RlsRjG1F0YHlBuYUdmCTyYhyJdevCI6EUexm7SDSBN-sEaI

2022 “At the Crossroads of American Cinema and American Studies” in Szeged Series in American Studies #2, Critical Explorations of U.S. Culture, Literature and History. Edited by Réka M. Cristian and Zoltán Dragon. Szeged: Americana eBooks, 2022, 60-68. ISBN: 978-615-5423-83-3 (.mobi); 978-615-5423-82-6 (.epub); 978-615-5423-81-9 (PoD) https://ebooks.americanaejournal.hu/books/szesas02/

2022 “The Carnivalesque (Re)Presentation of America in the Different Versions of Chicago” in Szeged Series in American Studies #2, Critical Explorations of U.S. Culture, Literature and History. Edited by Réka M. Cristian and Zoltán Dragon. Szeged: Americana eBooks, 2022, 45-59. ISBN: 978-615-5423-83-3 (.mobi); 978-615-5423-82-6 (.epub); 978-615-5423-81-9 (PoD) https://ebooks.americanaejournal.hu/books/szesas02/

2021 “Mae West Turning Dirty Snow White through her Comic Performances” in Szeged Series in American Studies #1, Revisiting the Past, American Culture in Contemporary Context. Edited by Irén Annus and Ágnes Zsófia Kovács. Szeged: Americana eBooks, 2021, 105-125. ISBN: 978-615-5423-77-2 (.mobi); 978-615-5423-76-5 (.epub); 978-615-5423-75-8 (PoD), http://ebooks.americanaejournal.hu

2021 “Merida and her Mother Bear: Feminist Cultural Pedagogy à la Disney/Pixar” in Szeged Series in American Studies #1, Revisting the Past, American Cutlure in Contemporary Context. Edited by Irén Annus and Ágnes Zsófia Kovács. Szeged: Americana eBooks, 2021, 126-144. ISBN: 978-615-5423-77-2 (.mobi); 978-615-5423-76-5 (.epub); 978-615-5423-75-8 (PoD), http://ebooks.americanaejournal.hu

2021 “Persuasion on Screen: an Authentic Aural Evocation of Jane Austen’s Early 19th Century England?” in Ágnes Zsófia Kovács (ed.) Sentiment, History, and Intermediality. Essays in English and American Studies, Students and Supervisors. Szeged: JATEPress, 2021, 107-113. ISBN: 978-963-315-470-0


2020      “Latina Humor in the Works of Sandra Cisneros” in Acta Hispanica, Supplementum II: América Latina y el Mundo: Espacios de Encuentro y Cooperación. Actas del XIX Congreso de la FIEALC. Editora: Zsuzsanna Csikós. 2020, 609-616. ISSN: 1416-7263. https://doi.org/10.14232/actahisp.2020.0.609-616. available: https://ojs.bibl.u-szeged.hu/index.php/acthisp/article/view/33033

2020      Book Review: “Funny Girls: Guffaws, Guts, and Gender in Classic American Comics by Michelle Ann Abate. Review by: Zsófia Anna Tóth” in Studies in American Humor Volume 6 Number 1 (2020), pp. 239-242. Penn State University Press (ISSN: 0095280X, DOI: 10.5325/studamerhumor.6.1.0239) available: https://www.jstor.org/stable/10.5325/studamerhumor.6.1.0239

2019 “Humor and Catachresis in Emily Dickinson’s Death Poetry” in AMERICANA, E-Journal of American Studies in Hungary, Volume XV, Number 1, 2019, available: http://americanaejournal.hu/vol15no1/toth

2019 Book Review: “Review of The Language of Humor. An Introduction.” The Language of Humor. An Introduction. Alleen Pace Nilsen and Don L. F. Nilsen. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018. p. 387. ISBN 978-1-108-41654-2 (Hardback), ISBN 978-1-108-40396-2 (Paperback) in AMERICANA, E-Journal of American Studies in Hungary, Volume XV, Number 1, 2019, available: http://americanaejournal.hu/vol15no1/toth-rev

2019    “Borderlands and Humorous Transgressions in Machete (2010) and Machete Kills (2013)” in Réka M. Cristian, Zoltán Dragon and András Lénárt (ed.) Transnational Americas: Home(s), Borders and Transgressions. Szeged: AMERICANA eBooks, 2019, 93-104. ISBN: 978-963-306-612-6 (.mobi), available: http://ebooks.americanaejournal.hu/books/transnational-americas/ 

2018       “A női humor vetületei” (“Aspects of women’s humor”) in TNTeF, Társadalmi Nemek Tudománya Interdiszciplináris eFolyóirat, Volume 8, Number 2, 2018, pp. 5-25, (ISSN: 2062-7084), available: http://tntefjournal.hu/vol8/iss2/tothzsa.pdf 

2018    Book Review: “Comedy Begins with our Simplest Gestures: Levinas, Ethics, and Humor. Ed. by Brian Bergen-Aurand. Pittsburg: Duquesne University Press, 2017. 282 pp. REVIEWED BY ZSÓFIA ANNA TÓTH” in Studies in American Humor Volume 4 Number 2 (2018), pp. 330-334. Penn State University Press (ISSN: 0095280X, DOI: 10.5325/studamerhumor.4.2.0330) available:  https://www.jstor.org/stable/10.5325/studamerhumor.4.2.0330

2017   “Merida and Mother Bear: a Lesson in Feminist Cultural Pedagogy” in Anna Kérchy (ed.) Interspecies Dialogues in Postmillenial Filmic Fantasies Special Issue, AMERICANA, E-Journal of American Studies in Hungary, Volume XIII, Number 2, Fall 2017 (ISSN: 1787-4637), available: http://americanaejournal.hu/vol13no2/tzsa  

2017      “Mae West’s America(s)” in Réka Mónika Cristian, Andrea Kökény and György Endre Szőnyi (ed.) Confluences: Essays Mapping the Manitoba-Szeged Partnership. Szeged: JATEPress, 2017, 139-153. (ISBN 978-963-315-338-3)

2017      “Disney’s Violent Women, In Quest of a ‘Fully Real’ Violent Woman in American Cinema” in Chovanec, Jan (ed). Brno Studies in English Volume 43 No 1 (2017), Brno: Masarykova Univerzita V Brnĕ, 185-212. (ISSN 0524-6881, DOI: 10.5817/BSE2017-1-11), available: https://digilib.phil.muni.cz/bitstream/handle/11222.digilib/137093/1_BrnoStudiesEnglish_43-2017-1_13.pdf?sequence=1 

2017    “Boys will be Boys – but what about Girls? Girls in a Boy Status in Jane Austen’s Fiction” in Ágnes Zsófia Kovács and László Sári (ed). Space, Gender and the Gaze in Literature and Art. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2017, 86-106.

2015    “Cat in a tumble dryer”. Amanda Price’s Bumpy Ride of Female Development in Lost in Austen (2008). in Soňa Šnircova and Milena Kostić (ed). Growing up a Woman: The Private/Public Divide in the Narratives of Female Development. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2015, 286-311. 

2015    “Mae West. The Dirty Snow White.” in Réka M. Cristian, Zoltán Dragon and András Lénárt (ed). 10th Anniversary Edition. Inter-American Special Issue. AMERICANA, E-Journal of American Studies in Hungary, Volume XI, Number 1, Spring 2015. (ISSN: 1787-4637), available: http://americanaejournal.hu/vol11no1/tothzsa   

2014    “Lady Susan as the Great Exemplar of Dysfunctional Parenthood in Jane Austen’s Fiction.” in Veronika Ruttkay and Bálint Gárdos (ed). HUSSE 11, Proceedings of the 11th Conference of the Hungarian Society for the Study of English. Budapest: L’Harmattan, 2014, 284-294. available: http://www.eltereader.hu/kiadvanyok/husse-11-proceedings-of-the-11th-conference-of-the-hungarian-society-for-the-study-of-english/

2012    “‘The Defense Rests.’ Picturing the Unrest of Law and Order in Chicago.” in Anna Kérchy, Attila Kiss and György E. Szönyi (ed). Papers in English & American Studies XXI. The Iconology of Law and Order (Legal and Cosmic). Szeged: JATEPress, 2012, 267-274.         

2012    “Bevezetés.” (“Introduction”) (co-written by Zoltán Vajda) in Amerikanisztika és vizualitás. Metszéspontok az információs társadalom horizontján. Zoltán Vajda and Zsófia Anna Tóth (ed). Conference proceedings of the Amerikanisztika és vizualitás metszéspontjai az információs társadalom horizontján Konferencia (the collection of the papers presented in Hungarian), AMERICANA eBooks, ISBN: 978-963-89514-3-4 (.prc); 978-963-89514-2-7 (.epub), available: http://ebooks.americanaejournal.hu/books/amerikanisztika-es-vizualitas/

2012    “Introduction.” (co-written by Zoltán Vajda) in American Studies and Visuality – on the horizon of information society. Zoltán Vajda and Zsófia Anna Tóth (eds). Special Issue: Proceedings of the American Studies and Visuality – on the horizon of information society Conference (the collection of the papers presented in English), AMERICANA, E-Journal of American Studies in Hungary, Volume VIII, Number 1, Spring 2012. (ISSN: 1787-4637), available: http://americanaejournal.hu/vol8no1/toth-vajda-introduction

2012    “The Effect of Information Society on the Representation of Femmes Fatales in American Visual Culture.” in American Studies and Visuality – on the horizon of information society. Zoltán Vajda and Zsófia Anna Tóth (ed). Special Issue: Proceedings of the American Studies and Visuality – on the horizon of information society Conference (the collection of the papers presented in English), AMERICANA, E-Journal of American Studies in Hungary, Volume VIII, Number 1, Spring 2012. (ISSN: 1787-4637), available: http://americanaejournal.hu/vol8no1/tzsa    

2012       “Emma: Jane Austen’s Most Imperfect Heroine and Most Perfect Novel” in TNTeF, Társadalmi Nemek Tudománya Interdiszciplináris eFolyóirat, Volume 2, Number 1, Special Issue, 2012, pp. 82-89. (ISSN: 2062-7084), available: http://primus.arts.u-szeged.hu/ieas/gender/tntef/vol2/vol1_special_issue/08_toth.pdf

2011    “Jane Austen Reloaded.” in Kinga Földváry, Zsolt Almási and Veronica Schandl (eds). HUSSE 10-LitCult, Proceedings of the HUSSE 10 Conference, Literature & Culture Volume. Debrecen: Hungarian Society for the Study of English, 2011, 302-310.,

available: http://mek.oszk.hu/10100/10171/10171.pdf

2011    “Bevezetés.” (“Introduction”) (co-written with László Z. Karvalics) in Zsófia Anna Tóth (ed.) A varázsgyűrűtől az interkonfesszionális kommunikációig: Információtudományi metszéspontok bölcsészeti megközelítésben. Szeged: Primaware, 2011, 4. (ISBN: 978-963-306-108-4)

2011    “The Carnivalesque Image of America in the Different Versions of Chicago.” in Gabriella Varró and Zoltán Simon (eds.) Special Issue: Proceedings of the 8th Biennial HAAS Conference, Images of America - Responses to a Changing Social, Cultural and Literary Landscape, AMERICANA, E-Journal of American Studies in Hungary, Volume VII, Number 2, Fall 2011. (ISSN: 1787-4637), available: http://americanaejournal.hu/vol7no2/tzsa

2011    “‘The Merry Murderers,’ The Carnivalesque Femmes Fatales of Chicago (2002).” in Ewa Borkowska et als. (eds.) The Language of Sense, Common-Sense and Nonsense. Bielsko-Biała: Wydawnictwo Wyższa Szkoła Ekonomiczno-Humanistyczna, 2011, 173-181.  

2011    „A Chicago (1924-2002) karneváli végzet asszonyai: élet-halál/információ-dezinformáció zsonglőrök az információs társadalom hajnalán” (“The Carnivalesque Femmes Fatales of Chicago (1924-2002): Jugglers of Life/Death-Information/Disinformation at the Dawn of Information Society”) in Zsófia Anna Tóth (ed.) A varázsgyűrűtől az interkonfesszionális kommunikációig: Információtudományi metszéspontok bölcsészeti megközelítésben. Szeged: Primaware, 2011, 90-96. (ISBN 978-963-306-108-4)

2010    “‘The Merry Murderers,’ The Female Grotesque in Chicago.” in Silvia Pokrivčáková (ed.) Linguae.eu, A Trimestrial European Scientific Language Review, (ISSN: 1337-8384 ), Issue 4, October 2010, 4-11.

2010    “A szörnykirálynő és a Nagy Anya archetípusa - egy „zs” kategóriás horror kicsit másképp” (“The Archetype of the Queen Monster and the Terrible Mother in a Z-List Horror Film”) in Nőkért.hu, 2010. július 21. szerda, available: http://nokert.hu/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=576:a-szoernykiralyn-es-a-nagy-anya-archetipusa-egy-qzsq-kategorias-horror-kicsit-maskepp&catid=44:a-feminizmus-es-a-film&Itemid=82

2010    “Let me mend your pen, Mr Darcy”: Lewd and Aggressive Women in Jane Austen’s Fiction.” in Andrew C. Rouse, Gertrud Szamosi and Gabriella Vöő (ed.). CrosSections Volume 2: Selected papers in literature and culture from the 9th HUSSE conference. Pécs: Molnár Nyomda és Kiadó, 2010, 185-195.

2009    “The Paradox of Kurt Wimmer’s Film Equilibrium.” in Sabine Coelsch-Foisner et als. (ed). What Constitutes the Fantastic? Papers in English & American Studies XVII. Szeged: JATEPress, 2009, 137-147. (ISBN: 978-963-482-991-1, ISSN: 0230-2780)

2009    “American Cinema at the Crossroads of American Studies.” in Special Issue: Proceedings of the 2008 HAAS Conference, in Réka M. Cristian and Zoltán Dragon (ed), AMERICANA, E-Journal of American Studies in Hungary, Volume V, Number 2, Fall 2009. (ISSN: 1787-4637), available: http://americanaejournal.hu/vol5no2/tzsa 

2008    Book Review: “Violent Women on the Screen,” Reel Knockouts, Violent Women in the Movies ed. by Martha McCaughey and Neal King in Réka M. Cristian and Zoltán Dragon (ed), AMERICANA, E-Journal of American Studies in Hungary, Volume IV, Number 2, Fall 2008. (ISSN: 1787-4637), available: http://americanaejournal.hu/vol4no2/tzsa-review

2008    “S1m0ne. Simulacrum and Simulation Incarnated in The Perfection of Humanoid Virtuality.” in Dorian Grieve et al. (ed), eSharp, Issue 12 (Winter 2008): Technology and Humanity, University of Glasgow, (ISSN: 1742-4542), available: http://www.gla.ac.uk/departments/esharp/issues/12winter2008technologyandhumanity/ or http://www.gla.ac.uk/media/media_103036_en.pdf 

2008    “Greta Garbo, Her Transgressions and Unconventional Ways On and Off Screen.” in Chovanec, Jan (ed). Brno Studies in English 34 (2008), Brno: Masarykova Univerzita V Brnĕ, 2008, 105-124. (ISBN, ISSN: 1211-1791)  

2008    “The Representation of Aggressive Women in Various Adaptations of Maurine Dallas Watkins’s Chicago.” in Réka M. Cristian and Zoltán Dragon (ed). AMERICANA, E-Journal of American Studies in Hungary, Volume IV, Number 1, Spring 2008. (ISSN: 1787-4637), available: http://americanaejournal.hu/vol4no1/toth

2008    Translation: “KÉP/ELMÉLET: Bevezetés” (Introduction) and “A képi fordulat” (The Pictorial Turn)” in Szőnyi, György Endre and Szauter, Dóra (ed). A képek politikája. W. J. T. Mitchell válogatott írásai. Ikonológia és Műértelmezés 13 (The Politics of Images. W.J.T. Mitchell’s Selected Writings), Szeged: JATEPress, 2008, 123-130 and 131-153. (ISBN: 978-963-482-897-6, ISSN: 0237-5079)  

2008    “Chicago in its Doubles.” in Chovanec, Jan (ed.): Brno Studies in English 32 (2006), Brno: Masarykova Univerzita V Brnĕ, 2008, 171-183. (ISBN, ISSN: 1211-1791), available: http://www.phil.muni.cz/plonedata/wkaa/BSE/BSE_2006-32_Offprints/BSE%202006-32%20(171-183)%20Toth.pdf  

2007    “On the verge of reality, Roxie’s day-dreaming as passage between two realms of existence in Chicago (2002).” in Vránková, Kamila and Koy, Christopher (ed). Dream, Imagination and Reality in Literature, South Bohemian Anglo-American Studies No.1., České Budějovice: University of South Bohemia, 2007, 147-152. (ISBN 978-80-7394-006-5), available: http://www.pf.jcu.cz/stru/katedry/aj/doc/sbaas01-toth.pdf 

2006    “Dangerous Dames in Pre-Code Hollywood.” in Drápela, M.; Vomlela, J. (ed). Silesian Studies in English 2006. International Conference of English and American Studies Opava 18-19 September 2006 (Proceedings). Opava: Silesian University in Opava, 2006, 256-267. (ISBN 80-7248-400-1)

2005    “The (Im)morality of the New Woman in the Early 20th Century.” in Chovanec, Jan (ed). Theory and Practice in English Studies, Volume 4: Proceedings from the Eighth Conference of English, American and Canadian Studies. Brno: Masaryk University, 2005, 255-260. (ISBN 80-210-3836-5), available: http://www.phil.muni.cz/plonedata/wkaa/Offprints%20THEPES%204/TPES%204%20(255-260)%20Toth.pdf  

2005    “A magyar kultúra oktatása a hímzések segítségével.” (Teaching Hungarian Culture to Foreigners With the Help of Embroideries) in Nádor, Orsolya and Szűcs, Tibor (ed). Hungarológiai Évkönyv 2005, VI. évfolyam 1. szám (The Hungarian Studies Yearbook 2005, Volume VI., No. 1.), Pécs: Pécsi Tudományegyetem Bölcsészettudományi Kara, 2005, 166-179. (ISSN: 1585-9673)   

2005    Book Review: The Covenant and The Betrayal by Beverly Lewis, in Women Writers (ISSN: 1535-8402535-8402), available: http://www.womenwriters.net/summer05/bookreviews/TheCovenant1.htm

2004    Book Review: It’s My Heaven by E. S. Pahls, in Women Writers (ISSN: 1535-8402535-8402), available: http://www.womenwriters.net/summer04/reviews/ItsMyHeaven.htm

2003    Book Review: Don’t Ever Tell Me You Can’t by Celia Ruiz Tomlinson, in Women Writers (ISSN: 1535-8402535-8402), available: http://www.womenwriters.net/may2003/donttellme.htm



August, 26-30, 2024 (forthcoming)    2024 European Society for the Study of English Conference, Lausanne, Switzerland 

Paper: “James Bond Humorously Reloaded as Susan Cooper in Spy (2015)”

June, 24-28, 2024 (forthcoming)             DisNet Annual Conference: “Disney in a Time of Global Transformation” 2nd online conference, USA&UK

Paper: “The Funny Women of the Disney Animated Films”

May, 24-25, 2024   14th Biennial HAAS Conference, “America Beyond Crisis: Regeneration, Coping, Healing,” University of Szeged, Szeged, Hungary

Paper: “To Turn Red or Not to Turn Red, Teenage Identity Crisis in Turning Red (2022)”

April, 19-21, 2024  International Society for Humor Studies Conference (ISHS 34) concurrently with the 14th Humor Research Conference (HRC 14), Texas A&M University-Commerce, Commerce, TX, USA – online conference

Paper: “The Curious Case of Hungarian Female Humorists”

October 12-14, 2023 Northeast Popular Culture Association’s 2023 Virtual Conference, Online conference through Eventbrite/Sched (probably via Southern New Hampshire University), USA

Paper: “The Funny Philosophy of Gentlemen Prefer Blondes”

September, 22-23, 2023    NYIM 18 Conference (Át/változások, Changes/Transformations), Szeged, Hungary

Paper: “Változások és átváltozások Mae West humoros performanszain keresztül” (“Changes and Transformations via Mae West’s Humorous Performances”)

July 10-12, 2023    Comedy/Humor Studies Conference of the American Humor Studies Association and The Comedy and Humor Studies SIG of SCMS, Empire State College in Saratoga Springs, New York, USA

Paper: “The Ludicrous Lady Liberty: Mae West’s Comedies of Survival

Roundtable presentation: “Are Women Funny or Not? - A Current Public Debate in Hungary” as part of the ‘The Future of (Global) Stand-up Comedy Studies’ Roundtable Discussion

June 26-30, 2023    Disney at 100 Years: Everlasting Entertainment and a Spellbinding Future, The Disney Culture & Society Research Network’s First Annual Conference (online conference), USA&UK

Paper: “Choose Your Weapon: The Fighter Heroines of Disney/Pixar

November 24-26, 2022      EU Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership Project, Short Forms Beyond Medial Borders Symposium, Szeged, Hungary

Paper: “Brevity is the soul of wit: Women and humor in a nutshell”

October 20-22, 2022    Northeast Popular Culture Association’s 2022 Virtual Conference

Paper: “Jane Austen vs. Romcom Adaptations”

September 23-24, 2022 NYIM 17 Conference (Feminism and Remembrance), Szeged, Hungary

Paper: “Emlékezet és múlt-rekonstrukció Alice Munro The Progress of Love / A szeretet útja című novellájában” (“Remembrance and Past-Reconstruction in Alice Munro’s Progress of Love”)

September 17-18, 2022 Women Writers and Comedy 1890 – 1950 International Conference of The Elizabeth von Arnim Society, Lucy Cavendish College, Cambridge, UK (online conference)

Paper: “Mae West and Charged Humor”

August 29-September 2, 2022       16th ESSE Conference, Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany (Part of the Comic Women and Theories of Humor session)

Paper: “Jane Austen, The Lady Humourist?”

January 27-29, 2022  15th HUSSE Conference, Károli Gáspár University, Budapest, Hungary 

Paper: The Transfigurations of the Humour of Jane Austen’s Emma

November 4–6, 2021 The South Atlantic Modern Language Association’s 93rd Annual Conference “Social Networks, Social Distances,” Hosted Virtually by Accelevents, Atlanta, USA

Paper: Sisu, the Funny Dragon”

October 25-26, 2021 RINGS Conference, Forging New Solidarities: Networks of (Academic) Activism and Precarity, Budapest, Hungary

Paper: Precarity in COVID-19 Humor

October 21-23, 2021 Northeast Popular Culture Association Annual Conference, 2021 Virtual Conference through Eventbrite/Sched, USA

Paper: Emily Dickinson’s Comic Take on Death in her Poetry

September 24-25, 2021 NYIM 16 Conference: “Az ellenállás és együttműködés lehetőségei,” University of Szeged, Szeged, Hungary

Paper: “Humor, mint kihívás és egyben kooperáció – ellenállás és együttműködés” (“Humor as Challenge, and at the same time, Cooperation – Resistance and Collaboration”)

July 16, 2021 Works-in-Progress Conference of the American Humor Studies Association (July 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th), New-Books-in-Progress Session, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, USA

Paper: “Mae West: a Monument, a Milestone and a Momentum in the History of American Humor”

May 6-8, 2021     Funny Women. An International Symposium, Bavarian American Academy, Munich, Germany

Paper: “Empowerment and Survival in Sandra Cisneros’ Intersectional Humor”

November 13-15, 2020    The South Atlantic Modern Language Association’s 92nd Annual Conference “Scandal! Literature & Provocation: Breaking Rules, Making Texts”, A Virtual Conference through Accelevents, Atlanta, USA

Paper: “Mae West, the Comic Scandal Queen” Part of Session: Scandalous Humor/Humorous Scandal

September 25-26, 2020 (forthcoming – postponed due to COVID-19)    NYIM 16 Conference: “Az ellenállás és együttműködés lehetőségei,” University of Szeged, Szeged, Hungary

Paper: “Humor, mint kihívás és egyben kooperáció – ellenállás és együttműködés” (“Humor as Challenge, and at the same time, Cooperation – Resistance and Collaboration”)

June 24-28, 2019         XIX Congreso de la FIEALC, América Latina y el Mundo: Espacios de Encuentro y Cooperación, University of Szeged, Szeged, Hungary

Paper: “Latina Humor in Woman Hollering Creek by Sandra Cisneros”

January 31-February 2, 2019     HUSSE 14 Biennial Conference, Pannon University, Veszprém, Hungary

Paper: “Lady Susan’s Comic Transfigurations across Media” (part of IMAGE/TEXT/BODY panel)

August 29-September 2, 2018           14th ESSE Conference, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic

Paper: “Persuasion on Screen: an Authentic Aural Evocation of Jane Austen’s Early 19th Century England?” (part of S68 Seminar Sounds Victorian: Voices and Noises in 19th Century Britain) 

May 25-26, 2018        HAAS Conference 2018, 12th Conference of the Hungarian Association for American Studies entitled “Constructing America in a Time of Change,” Eötvös Lóránd University, Budapest, Hungary

Paper: “The Proliferation of American Female Humorists in the 21st century”

November 16-18, 2017          Transnational Americas: Home(s), Borders and Transgressions Conference, University of Szeged, Szeged, Hungary

Paper:  "Borderlands and humorous transgressions in Machete (2010) and Machete Kills (2013)" 

September 14-15, 2017          V. Magyar Interdiszciplináris Humorkonferencia. Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Piliscsaba, Hungary

Paper: "A női humor vetületei" (“Aspects of women’s humor”)

April 19-22, 2017           TALKING BODIES: An International, Interdisciplinary Conference on Identity, Sexuality and Representation, University of Chester, Chester, United Kingdom

Paper: “Mae West, the great female impersonator and comic giant” 

January 26-28, 2017   HUSSE 13 Conference, Eszterházy Károly University of Applied Sciences, Eger, Hungary

Paper: “Merida and Mother Bear: a lesson in feminist cultural pedagogy”

November 4-5, 2016  The Anthropology of Encounters: Frictions in the Past, Present and Future, Conference of the Hungarian Cultural Anthropological Association, Szeged, Hungary

Paper: “Spaces in transition through encounters with women’s humor” 

September 30-October 1, 2016          NYIM 12 Conference: “Úton: A tér neme, a nemek terei”, Szeged, Hungary

Paper: „Női térnyerés a humoron keresztül A Kém (2015) című filmben” (“Women making headway/gaining space through the use of humor in Spy (2015)”) 

May 12-14, 2016        HAAS 11 Conference: The Americas: Global Challenges and Responsibilities, University of Pécs, Pécs

Paper: ““I’ve been things and seen places.” The Diversity of the Americas in Mae West’s works.

October 2-3, 2015    Discovering the Americas Conference, University of Szeged, Szeged

Paper: “Mae West’s America/Americas”

January 29-31, 2015   HUSSE 12 Conference, University of Debrecen, Debrecen, Hungary

Paper: “Boys Will Be Boys – but What About Girls? Girls in a Boy Status in Jane Austen’s Fiction

May 30-31, 2014        HAAS10 Conference: Crossing Boundaries: Migration, Amalgamation, and Transgression in American Literature, History, and Culture, Pázmány Péter Katolikus Egyetem, Budapest

Paper: “Mae West’s Challenges and Transgressions

January 24-26, 2013   HUSSE 11 Conference, Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem, Budapest

Paper: “Dysfunctional Parenthood and Family Crises in Jane Austen’s Fiction”  

November 25, 2011    Conference in honor of Dr. Sarolta Marinovich, founder of the TNT Research Group, Szeged, Hungary

Paper: “Emma: Jane Austen’s Most Imperfect Heroine and Most Perfect Novel

May 6-7, 2011            American Studies and Visuality – on the horizon of information society Conference, Szeged, Hungary

Paper: “The Effect of Information Society on the Representation of Femmes Fatales in American Visual Culture

February 3, 2011        Információs Társadalom Alprogram Szakmai Konferencia, Szeged, Hungary

Paper: „A Chicago (1924-2002) karneváli végzet asszonyai: élet-halál/információ-dezinformáció zsonglőrök az információs társadalom hajnalán” (“The Carnivalesque Femmes Fatales of Chicago (1924-2002): Life/Death-Information/Disinformation Jugglers at the Dawn of Information Society”)

January 27-29, 2011   HUSSE 10 Conference at PPCU, Piliscsaba, Hungary

Paper: “Jane Austen Reloaded

November 11-13, 2010          8th Biennial HAAS Conference, Images of America - Responses to a Changing Social, Cultural and Literary Landscape, Debrecen, Hungary

Paper: “The Carnivalesque Image of America in the Different Versions of Chicago

February 4-6, 2010     Diversification and Its Discontents: Dynamics of the Discipline. 9th Brno International Conference of English, American and Canadian Studies, Brno, Czech Republic

Paper: “‘The Merry Murderers,’ The Female Grotesque in Chicago

September 16-19, 2009          The Surplus of Culture: Sense, Common-Sense, Non-Sense Conference, Ustroń, Poland

Paper: “‘The Merry Murderers,’ The Carnivalesque Femmes Fatales of Chicago (2002)

January 22-24, 2009   HUSSE 9 Conference, Pécs, Hungary

Paper: “Let me mend your pen, Mr Darcy. Lewd and Aggressive Women in Jane Austen’s Fiction

October 17-18, 2008  HAAS 2008 Conference, Szeged, Hungary

Paper: “Americanness of American Cinema as seen by American Studies inside and outside of the United States

September 19-20, 2008          A nő és a test/iség Conference, Szeged, Hungary

Paper: “A női test/iség Jane Austen-nál” (The Female Body/Carnality in Jane Austen’s works)

July 14-16, 2008         Crime Cultures: Figuring Criminality in Literature, Media and Film, Portsmouth, United Kingdom

Paper: “‘The Merry Murderers,’ Criminality in Musical Disguise in Chicago (2002)

July 6-10, 2008           4th Conference on Eastern & Western Traditions of European Iconography, The Iconology of Law and Order, Szeged, Hungary

Paper: “‘The Defense Rests,’ Picturing the Unrest of Law and Order in Chicago

April 4-5, 2008 Medial Interactions in the Literary Fantastic, Salzburg-Szeged Dissertation Network Workshop, Szeged, Hungary

Paper: “Intermediality, dialogism and intertextuality in Jane Austen's Northanger Abbey and its reinterpretation in the 1986 BBC adaptation

November 22, 2007    Szeged-Salzburg Project, PhD Network Symposium, Salzburg, Austria – member/participant

June 19, 2007 Horror Symposium, Szeged, Hungary

Paper: “Gender az Alien vs. Predator (2004) c. filmben” (Gender in Alien vs. Predator (2004))

March 15-18, 2007     HELAAS Graduate Student International Conference, Thessaloniki, Greece

Paper: “The evolution of the concept of American identity in the various versions of Chicago

January 25-27, 2007   HUSSE 8 Conference, Szeged, Hungary

Paper: “Made and/or self-made women in the early 30’s

November 3-4, 2006  Joint PhD Network Symposium: Communicative Strategies in Literature, Salzburg, Austria

Paper: “Satire in Jane Austen’s Northanger Abbey and her Other Major Works

October 6-7, 2006      HAAS Biennial Conference; Frontiers, Borderlines, and Frames, Pécs, Hungary

Paper: “Greta Garbo: a Transgressing Filmic Persona

September 18-19, 2006          SILSE 2006 – Silesian Studies of English, International Conference of English and American Studies, Opava, Czech Republic

Paper: “Dangerous Dames in Pre-Code Hollywood

June 30-July 2, 2006  Dream, Imagination and Reality in Literature, International Literary Conference, České Budějovice, Czech Republic

Paper: “On the verge of reality, Roxie’s day-dreaming as passage between two realms of existence in Chicago (2002)

June 12, 2006             Vampire Symposium, Szeged, Hungary

Paper: “The Emergence of the Vamp in Early Film History

June 9-10, 2006          “What Constitutes the Fantastic?” Conference (Szeged-Salzburg Project), Szeged, Hungary

Paper: “Equilibrium in paradox as a play with the fantastic

April 7-8, 2006           “A nő mint szubjektum, a női szubjektum” (The Woman as Subject, the Female Subject) Conference, Debrecen, Hungary

Paper: “A flapper mint a női szubjektivitás devianciája” (The Flapper as Deviance of Female Subjectivity)

November 3-6, 2005  Fantastic Body Transformations in English Literature, Film and Art Conference, (Szeged-Salzburg Project), Salzburg, Austria

Paper: “The Fantastic Body’s Representation in S1m0ne (2002)

September 12, 2005   “Creativity in Literary Studies,” British Council Videoconference, Szeged, Hungary – roundtable participant

September 9-11, 2005            Feminist & Women’s Studies Association (UK & Ireland), 18th Annual Conference – Gender and Violence, Aberdeen, Scotland

Paper: “Who says that murder is not an art?” Female violence as a means to become famous in Maurine Dallas Watkins’s Chicago and in its adaptations

June 17, 2005 “Post-colonialism, Globalisation and Terror,” British Council Videoconference, Budapest, Hungary – roundtable participant

April 25-27, 2005       IMAGE/TEXT in the Multimedial Age Conference, Szeged, Hungary

Paper: “A hírnév reprezentációja a „Chicago”-ban” (The Representation of Fame in Chicago)

February 2-4, 2005     The Eighth Conference of English, American and Canadian Studies, Brno, Czech Republic

Paper: “(Im)morality of the New Woman in the Early 20th Century

January 27-29, 2005   HUSSE 7 Conference, Veszprém, Hungary

Paper: “Is the image of a female murderer grotesque?

November 26-27, 2004          HAAS Biennial Conference, American Studies As Cultural Studies: Theory And Practice, Budapest, Hungary

Paper: “Women of the 20s

June 25-26, 2004        European Intertexts. A Study of Women’s Writing in English as a            Part of a European Fabric. Travels: “She’s Leaving Home” Conference, Szeged, Hungary

Paper: “Travel as a possibility of becoming yourself. Travels as modes of learning and improvement in Sarah Orne Jewett’s A Country Doctor

May 18-20, 2004        Second International Conference of American Theater and Drama, University of Malaga, Malaga, Spain

Paper: “A murderess as feminine and masculine. Women as victims and perpetrators in Chicago by Maurine Dallas Watkins and in its adaptations

October 27-29, 2003  “Erőszak és nemek” (Gender Studies) Conference, Budapest, Hungary

Paper: “Női erőszak, erőszakolt nők” (Female violence/violated females)


Chairing at conferences

August, 26-30, 2024 (forthcoming)    2024 European Society for the Study of English Conference, Lausanne, Switzerland 

Session: Fictional Criminality and Humor

Co-Convenors: Zsófia Anna Tóth (University of Szeged, Hungary) and Kerstin-Anja Münderlein (University of Bamberg, Germany)

May, 24-25, 2024   14th Biennial HAAS Conference, “America Beyond Crisis: Regeneration, Coping, Healing,” University of Szeged, Szeged, Hungary

Session: Saturday, 25 May 10.00-11.30 Section 4, Culture 4/B Chair: Zsófia Anna Tóth (Room 3)

October 12-14, 2023 Northeast Popular Culture Association’s 2023 Virtual Conference

Session: (Oct 14) Television 5: Politics and Ideologies on TV

 October 20-22, 2022 Northeast Popular Culture Association’s 2022 Virtual Conference

 Session: (Oct 22) Romance/Popular Romance Fiction 5: Gender/s and Sexuality/ies in Romance

September 23-24, 2022      NYIM 17 Conference (Feminism and Remembrance), Szeged, Hungary

Session: (Sept 24) Popkultúra (Popular Culture)

 August 29-September 2, 2022 16th ESSE Conference, Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany

Session:  Comic Women and Theories of Humor

Co-Convenors: Dr Zsófia Anna Tóth (University of Szeged, Hungary), Dr Franziska Quabeck (University of Münster, Germany) and Dr Kerstin-Anja Münderlein (University of Bamberg, Germany)

January 27-29, 2022 15th HUSSE Conference, Károli Gáspár University, Budapest, Hungary 

Session: HUSSE 2021, Humour Theories and Practices Panel – British part

Session: HUSSE 2021, Humour Theories and Practices Panel – American part


September 24-25, 2021 NYIM 16 Conference: “Az ellenállás és együttműködés lehetőségei,” University of Szeged, Szeged, Hungary

Session: Friday (Sept 24), 16:00-18:00 Plenary Session


October 4-5, 2019      NYIM 15 Conference: A feminista kritika és a metszetelmélet. Szeged, Hungary

Session: 16:00-18:00, Session A (Oct 4, Friday)

September 21-22, 2018        NYIM 14 Conference: Gender és Szolidaritás. Szeged, Hungary

Session: 16:30-18:00, Session A (Sept 21, Friday)

April 19-22, 2017       TALKING BODIES: An International, Interdisciplinary Conference on Identity, Sexuality and Representation, University of Chester, Chester, United Kingdom 

Session (panel): 7C/Bodies and Selfhood (April 20, 14:30-16:00)

January 26-28, 2017      HUSSE 13 Conference, Eszterházy Károly University of Applied Sciences, Eger, Hungary

Plenary lecture chair: Alison Waller: “Mapping Childhood Reading” (27 January, 15:45-16:30)

January 26-28, 2017      HUSSE 13 Conference, Eszterházy Károly University of Applied Sciences, Eger, Hungary

Session: Woman as Other, (26 January, 16:10-17:40) 

September 19- 20, 2014         NYIM 10. Nyelv, Ideológia, Média: Interdiszciplináris Gender Konferencia, „A Feminista Kutatás és oktatás távlatai Magyarországon”, Szeged, Hungary

Session: 13:30-15:30, B Szekció

May 6-7, 2011            American Studies and Visuality – on the horizon of information society Conference, Szeged, Hungary

Session: 12:00-12:50 – papers by Irén Annus and Anna Kérchy

July 14-16, 2008         Crime Cultures: Figuring Criminality in Literature, Media and Film, Portsmouth, United Kingdom

Session: Noir

September 9-11, 2005            Feminist & Women’s Studies Association (UK & Ireland), 18th Annual Conference – Gender and Violence, Aberdeen, Scotland

Session: Strand D – Media Responses (Sunday 9:30)

February 2-4, 2005     The Eighth Conference of English, American and Canadian Studies, Brno, Czech Republic

Session: FILM I



May 11, 2024 Animated Laughter: Varieties of Humorous Experience in Animated Films Webinar of the ISHS 2024 Webinar Series (International Society for Humor Studies), USA, online

Paper: “Raya and the Last Dragon (2021): a Paradigm Shift Regarding Women’s Humor at The Walt Disney Company”

October 12, 2023   Gendering Theory/Theories of Gender: A Cultural Historical Perspective lecture at the MA Program of the Institute of English and American Studies, University of Szeged

Paper: “Women and Humor”

October 5, 2023     PhD Research Seminar of the English & American Literatures and Cultures Doctoral Program at the Institute of English and American Studies, University of Szeged

Paper: “Is Humor Really Janus-Faced?”

April 7, 2011  Technical University of Liberec, English Department, Liberec, Czech Republic

Paper: “Comic and Tragic Approaches to Femmes Fatales in American Cinema

July 23, 2007  Szegedi Társadalomtudományi Szakkollégium (“The Specialized Dormitory of Social Science in Szeged”), Szeged, Hungary

Paper: “Could the single woman be the symbol of the 21st century?

February 20, 2007 “Mindentudás Kollégiuma” ("Dormitory of Omniscience") lecture series, Szeged, Hungary

Paper: “A női deviancia ábrázolásának változásai az amerikai filmben a XX. század folyamán” (The Changes in the Representation of Female Deviance in American Cinema Throughout the Twentieth Century)


Conferences (organization)

May, 24-25, 2024   14th Biennial HAAS Conference, “America Beyond Crisis: Regeneration, Coping, Healing,” University of Szeged, Szeged, Hungary (co-organizer as part of the Department of American Studies

November 16-18, 2017  Transnational Americas: Home(s), Borders and Transgressions Conference, University of Szeged, Szeged, Hungary (co-organizer)

May 6-7, 2011            American Studies and Visuality – on the horizon of information society Conference, Szeged, Hungary (co-organizer)       

February 3, 2011        Információs Társadalom Alprogram Szakmai Konferencia (Conference on Information Society), Szeged, Hungary („TÁMOP-4.2.1/B-09/1/KONV-2010-0005 – Creating the Center of Excellence at the University of Szeged” Project) (co-organizer)


Editorial work

June, 2023 –   board member, International Journal of Disney Studies, https://www.intellectbooks.com/ijds

September, 2014 –     board member, AMERICANA, E-Journal of American Studies in Hungary, http://americanaejournal.hu/

September, 2012 – September, 2017     review editor, TNTeF, Társadalmi Nemek Tudománya Interdiszciplináris eFolyóirat, http://tntefjournal.hu/

Academic administrative work

June, 2024- NEPCA (Northeast Popular & American Culture Association) Comedy Studies Area Chair, https://nepca.blog/conference/conference-areas/

 January, 2023 –      OMAT (Teacher-training MA) Committee member, Institute of English and American Studies, University of Szeged


September, 2014 –       MTMT administrator for the Department of American Studies, Institute of English and American Studies, University of Szeged

September, 2014 – August, 2017       BAT Committee member, Institute of English and American Studies, University of Szeged

Fellowships, memberships

2023-           Gyerek- és Ifjúsági Irodalom és Kultúra Kutatóközpont (Children’s and Young Adult Literature and Culture Research Center)


2022-   Disney, Culture & Society Research Network

2022-2023    The International Elizabeth von Armin Society

2021-   Northeast Popular & American Culture Association

2021-   Digitális Kultúra és Elméletek Kutatócsoport, Szegedi Tudományegyetem

2020-2022    South Atlantic Modern Language Association

2018-    International Association of Inter-American Studies

2017-    Mensa HungarIQa

2017-    Mensa International

2017-    International Society for Humor Studies 

2017-    American Humor Studies Association

2010-    TNT, a Szegedi Tudományegyetem Angol-Amerikai Intézetének Társadalmi Nemek Tudománya Kutatócsoportja (The Gender Studies Research Group at the Institute of English and American Studies, University of Szeged)

2004-    Hungarian Association of American Studies

2004-    Hungarian Society for the Study of English

2004-    European Association for American Studies

2004-    European Society for the Study of English