Association for
American Studies
Mission statement
The Hungarian Association for American Studies (HAAS) is an academic non-profit organization that sets out to support American Studies in Hungary at academic institutions and promotes transatlantic understanding. Currently, the HAAS has more than 50 active members. They represent the Association at practically all Hungarian universities and academic institutions with departments focusing on American Studies. The HAAS is a member of the European Association for American Studies (EAAS). We organize biannual international conferences. In addition, the HAAS supports promising projects through small grants.
About the history of American Studies in Hungary please see articles by Enikő Bollobás, Éva Federmayer, Bálint Rozsnyai, and Réka Cristian, et. al.
You can join the HAAS by writing directly to our Treasurer.
When you are a member, you can join our mailing list by contacting our Secretary.
regular fee: 7000 HUF/year
student/pensioner reduced fee: 5000HUF/year
Bank transfer data:
Name and address of bank: OTP BANK HUNGARY H-1077 Budapest, Király u. 49.
Bank account number: 11707024-20400268-00000000
IBAN code: HU09 1170 7024 2040 0268 0000 0000
Bank account holder: Amerikanisták Magyarországi Társasága (HAAS)
H-4032 Debrecen, Egyetem tér 1.
Board members
Current board (2024-2028)
President: Ágnes Zsófia Kovács, University of Szeged
Secretary: Zoltán Vajda, University of Szeged
Treasurer: Renáta Zsámba, Eszterházy Károly Catholic University, Eger
HAAS Committees
Audit committee:
Gabriella Vöő, University of Pécs
Károly Pintér, Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Budapest
Validating committee:
Nóra Deák, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest
Zoltán Dragon, University of Szeged