Site Coordinator training 

A Site Coordinator manages student participation in (IDLA) courses and serves as a liaison between the district, student, teacher, and IDLA. The link below provides a brief overview of IDLA and each of the different course structures: Cohort, Flex, Hybrid, and Custom courses.

IDLA has its very own Student Information System (THESIS). Learn how to access THESIS and to navigate your dashboard and menu items with the link below.

Want to enroll students in IDLA courses? Here you will find information on enrolling students in Driver's Ed, how to add IEP, 504, or ELP documentation, dropping a student, and course offerings described in the Student Registration information. 

Let's dive deeper into key elements for student success in IDLA courses. Click below to learn how to:

-Monitor students

-Run specific Reports

-Communicate through THESIS

-Complete and understand Action Requests 

-Approve Student Extension Requests

The Student Hub page includes specific information about students. Look here to learn about enrollment data, student demographics, home contact information, and site coordinator information.