HEAR Phase

The HEAR phase of this research was conducted in April 2019, with both desk research, deep dive research and stakeholder interviews. We had four research objectives: 1) uncover insights related to the perceptions, motivations, and barriers for users to purchase, adopt, and maintain latrine;l 2) uncover insights related to the perceptions, motivations, and barriers to producers/suppliers to create, sell, and maintain latrines; 3) understand the financial and social costs and challenges faced by households with latrine adoption/lack of adoption; 4) understand consumer and actor insights related to a desirable, viable and feasible business model: 5 P’s (Product, Price, Promotion, People, Place).

SCORE_ TOPS Deep Dive Report March 2019.pdf

HEAR Slide deck

SCORE__TOPS_Deep dive summary report (3).pdf

HEAR Summary Report

Meeting on Innovation Piece_Apr 4, 2019.mp4

HEAR Phase Workshop