



FLL National Finals

Watch it all or skip to 6 hours and 46 minutes to hear Harton Puzzlers explain to Maddie Moat what their innovation project is all about.


FLL Superpowered 2022

We had an amazing day on Thursday when teams from around the region came to The Word to compete in the First Lego League Challenge. This year the theme was Superpowered and teams investigated new and innovative ways in which energy can be obtained, moved around and used in our world. Harton Puzzlers also set a skipping challenge to see who could do the most skips and power their electric circuit the longest. Of course the prize was a giant packet of skips!

After a run of really close scores, Bots and Bros snatched victory at the game table with a fantastic score of 210 points. Oakwood Eagles took away the trophy for best robot design with an amazing robot that could use colour to initiate the program. The winners of the Project were The Teeside Transformers who really impressed the judges and made a brilliant model house. Team Mortimer walked off with the award for Core Values and Lego Legends from Neville's Cross Primary were awarded the Rising All Stars judges award.

Thanks go to all teams taking part this year at The Word, and to all those teams who couldn't join us on the day but did take part virtually. You have all put in a super amount of effort and in our eyes you are all superheroes. But there is one team that really swept the board and they are going to be representing South Tyneside in the National Finals at Harrogate in April. Our Champions are ... Harton Puzzlers. Well done to them, and I'm sure you will all wish them the very best in the next stage of their journey.

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First Lego League 2020-21

We had a huge roller coaster of a ride with the First Lego League Challenge Replay 2020-21 season being postponed and moved numerous times and in the end all being virtual this year! Obviously, Covid has had a massive impact on teams being able to get together and bubbles have made life difficult for us all. Despite this we did complete the season virtually. 

Our final 5 teams (sadly none of them from South Tyneside, as we ended up hosting one of the only regional tournaments in the North East, we picked up teams from Newcastle and Teesside) joined us live via Meet and teams for project presentation, live games and judging sessions and also uploaded video using the Lego Remote Event hub - this helped massively with organisation and communication with teams and IET may well continue using the hub moving forward. 

We may have been left with very few teams but they had all worked so hard we really wanted to celebrate their success. 

Our regional winners were St Peter's C of E Academy from Saltburn by the Sea and they went on to win the Judges' Motivate award at the National final! 

They were a cracking team and are joining us again for the new season.


In this year’s FIRST LEGO League Challenge season, CARGO CONNECTSM, your students will get creative and use their critical thinking and imaginations to explore how cargo is transported, sorted, and delivered to its destinations.  

This year's Cargo Connect Challenge 2021-22 season is NOW open for registration! 

What's it all about?

How do I sign up?

South Tyneside Tournament

We would absolutely love you all to join us and let's make this the biggest and best year ever! 

For a recap on what is involved check out the info on the IET website 

We already have several teams signed up!

When you register make sure you select the South Tyneside event.

Cargo Connect Launch

We have scheduled our South Tyneside launch event for FLL Cargo connect on

15th and 16th  September 2021

Hopefully, we will be back in our building by then and not hosting meetings in our living rooms! 

But as things currently remain unclear we have decided to future proof by hosting the meeting using Google Meet

Here is the link for the sessions - (same link for both).

You only need to attend one but in order to accommodate school commitments we are offering a choice of slots

Can I get funding?

If you need help with costs the IET were very generous with funding last year and many teams got their robot and registration cost covered. 

Here is a link to the funding page 

Raising Robots

Raising Robots are the preferred supplier for kit and they currently have a great 25% discount on Spike Prime, the current robot of choice for First Lego League.

There are lots of resources to help get you started if you are new to Spike 

The kids have all missed so many opportunities this year. 

It will be great to see them back learning with Lego and having fun as a team. 

We have missed them and you too!