Silver Cord

What are Silver Cord Hours?

"The Silver Cord program is an opportunity for students to be recognized for completing 200 hours of community service during their four years of high school. It is the intent of the Silver Cord program that hours be in direct service to others in need through local community service agencies and other outreach opportunities. Silver Cord hours must meet a clearly defined need for an agency, charity program, church, political agency, social service, group or community event.  In order for hours to be honored, the student may not receive payment or credit for their services and they may not be completed during their regular school day.  Service NOT recognized: School activities such as selling merchandise, homecoming events, music or athletic practices, work or babysitting for one’s family or any other family, participation in self-improvement workshops and clinics or service which is part of an academic, court-ordered, or disciplinary requirement. Service must be performed through a non-profit (501c3) agency or affiliated organization. Generally, activities that are part of a West High team, club, activity or course will not be counted toward Silver Cord hours. Seniors who complete the required hours of service will be honored at the Senior Recognition Assembly and will wear a silver cord at graduation. "

-West High Web Page

Silver Cord hours will be documented electronically. Please click the link below to submit your hours.