Do you like adventures, activism, sustainability, snacks, and getting outdoors? If yes, then you might be interested in the GOAT (Green Outdoor Adventure Team) club! GOAT plans to go on weekly outdoor adventures, such as a hike, bike ride, walk, and much more. In this club we hope to bond over the topic of sustainable transportation & love for the outdoors. OATS wants to help work towards a more sustainable future, which likely means working on a project in our community relating to transportation sustainability (Expand bicycle infrastructure, improve pedestrian paths/crossings, turn roads into new public space, etc.) 

The goal is to have fun, meet new people, and help our community! If any of this sounds interesting to you, consider coming to our next meeting, Mondays in the IHS Library at 3:45-5:00 pm.

If anyone has questions about OATS, email Shaqued Menda or myself: (shaqued.menda@icsd.k12.ny.us) (graham.morris@icsd.k12.ny.us)

Advisor:   Armin Heurich

Meeting Day:  Mondays

Time:  3:45-5:00 

Location: IHS Library