
Please check Google Classroom Stream every Monday.

Close tabs and refresh tabs throughout the day when working online.

GMeets will occur Monday at 11:30 am for 30 minutes of instruction.

GMeets will occur Monday at 12:00 pm and Wednesday at 11:30 am for class support.

Graphic Novel Project on StoryBoardThat.com ongoing through May

Individualized Learning Assignments ongoing through June

Small group support and individual support appointments may be made with

Mrs. Anderson: Tuesday and Thursday afternoons

Mr. Hayes: Monday and Wednesday afternoons

post request as comment on Classroom or email

michael.hayes@icsd.k12.ny.us carolyn.anderson@icsd.k12.ny.us

Grades: ICSD has moved to a 4 point system for Distance Learning 2.0


Students have been unable to demonstrate even a limited understanding of the standards being taught.


Student work does not meet expectations. Students are working towards being able to independently complete a majority of the standards being taught.


Student work meets expectations. They have demonstrated an ability to successfully complete a majority of the standards being taught.


Student work exceeds grade expectations. They have demonstrated mastery of the standards that were taught.

ExcusedWe recognize that this form of instruction is new to all of us and that we are unable to truly understand the daily circumstances in which students are functioning. Students in situations that prevent work completion, documented by families, can be excused on a case by case basis. Student reports will reflect their excused status.