Student Support Services

Response to Intervention

At ICS we believe that all students can achieve at high levels a therefor we have a Response to Intervention (RTI) program in place. Our RTI includes classroom strategies delivered by teachers and counselling supported by our school counselor. In cases where teachers and the principal/deputy principal believe that a students is falling behind or not achieving at high levels, it is a the discretion of the administration to conduct a Supporting Student Success meeting (SSS). In this team meeting, a discussion with all of the student’s teachers, counselor and principal/deputy principal discuss strategies that have been effective in supporting the students learning. The intention is to devise strategies and a plan that will enable the student to be successful in of all their classes with the support of all teachers, the counselor and the principal/deputy principal

Academic Support

Every Wednesday morning between 8.00- 9.25 am, students may receive extra help in one of the following Academic Support rooms supervised by subject specific educational assistants: Math, Science, Art, Learning Support/ EAL, Independent Study.


By prior arrangement, all faculty are available to help students during the regular school hours for review and explanation of work not mastered. Professional tutoring for a fee in out-of-school hours may be arranged privately by parents. The school does not maintain a list of academic tutors. Tutoring by other school employees requires permission of the principal.

Learning Support

The main emphasis of ICS’s learning support practices is to ensure that the appropriate support mechanisms and strategies are in place to allow all students access to the curricula. Unidentified or non-declared learning concerns often see a student struggle unnecessarily and loose confidence in their ability to cope with the academic challenges. Depending on the needs of the student, they may be permitted learning accommodations on formalized assessments.. These accommodations can only be provided on the basis of an educational psychologist’s report.

After careful review of school records and parent information, the school will admit a student as long as the services needed by the student can be provided by ICS. If a current student demonstrates a potential need for learning support, student support services will be consulted and they will meet with the student and their family to discuss if formalized testing would be beneficial to create an individualized educational learning plan to support the student’s learning.