
Immaculate Conception parochial school

Vision & Mission


We envision Immaculate Conception Parochial School as a Christ-centered and academically competent community, committed to living out the Gospel Values towards Holistic Transformation.


Inspired and guided by our Patroness, Mary Immaculate, we commit ourselves to:

  • Create and sustain Basic Ecclesial Communities through Gospel and Value integration;

  • Revitalize the extension program in the spirit of Solidarity and Stewardship;

  • Offer innovative opportunities towards academic excellence;

  • Work collaboratively with stakeholders and partners for sustainable linkages and networking;

  • Nurture the essence of patriotism towards nation building.

ICPS learning Resource center

The ICPS Learning Resource Center primary focus to meet the current an research needs of its clientele. LRC provides print and non-print collection designed for active use by the school community. On the other hand, weeding policy is continuously implemented to maintain an updated collection of resources which reflects the mission and objectives of the library.

vision & Mission


The ICPS Learning Resource Center is an essential partner in the intellectual growth of the school community thus the library staff strives for:

  • Student centered learning environment that supports research and enhances the school curriculum.

  • Teachers use the library and all its resources to build a curriculum that encourages collaborative learning.


ICPS is committed to excellence, innovation, patriotism and integration of values, the library supports this commitment thru:

  • Selecting, acquiring materials and resources that will support the institution's goal and objectives.

  • Providing physical facilities that enhance the learning and research environment.

  • Supporting professional development.

  • Promoting environment for collaborative and individual discovery, study and learning.

Objectives of Learning Resource Center

The LRC Exists to render service to the school community. It Supports the school's curriculum, mission and vision and contributes to the learning process and educational growth of the students, faculty and staff.