Islamic Center of Omaha


ICO needs your Support for Programs, Activities, Operations and Maintenance

Contributions to the Islamic Center of Omaha are deemed charitable under section 501(a) of the Internal Revenue Code as an organization described in Section 501(c)(3). U.S.

ICO Fundraising

Monthly Contribution

To donate month-to-month , use the monthly donation form below. 

Donate by Check

Please make the check payable to "Islamic Center of Omaha".

Mailing Address:

3511 N. 73rd St, Omaha, NE 68134.

Scan QR Code or Click to Donate

You will be directed to PayPal for Payments Processing.

Scan QR Code or Click to Donate

You will be directed to PayPal for Payments Processing.

For the initiatives below, please add the specific initiative name you want to donate towards as the instruction.