ICNA Sisters Edmonton - Civic Engagement

Our Civic Engagement Collaborates with like-minded organizations to foster better understanding and cooperation within our community.

Our Projects

World Kindness Day 2023

On this day of kindness please remember the people of Gaza.

Canada Day Celebration

We are proud to be Canadian and we show it through participating in Canada Day activities. We arrange food, face painting, henna designs and games to celebrate this beautiful day. 

Family Day

The family unit is an important component of Islam, and all elements of a family are given due significance – from parents to children to spouses to kith and kin. ICNA Sisters have always participated with their families and made this day much more valuable by fundraising for our hospitals that provide  the best of services to our families.

International Women's Day

ICNA Sisters Edmonton arrange many activities to honour women of all ages, professions and cultures. 

National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

We recognize the historical suffering of the indigenous communities of Canada and the importance of reconciliation and arrange events to show our solidarity.