Call for papers

UDFest-BR welcomes research work on the study and application of the UD model to the Portuguese language. Both theoretical and practical researches are accepted, including several categories of papers, as work in progress, complete works, opinion papers, and application and software demonstration papers.

Papers should describe original and unpublished work, having up to eight (8) pages of content (including tables and figures), and additional pages of references. They may be written in Portuguese or English, following the STIL paper format guidelines, also available for Overleaf.

Each paper submission will be evaluated by at least two reviewers. As reviewing will be double-blind, submitted papers must be anonymized, i.e., they should not contain the authors’ names and affiliations. Authors must also avoid self-references that reveal their identities.

The accepted papers must be presented during the workshop, requiring at least one author to be registered in the conference. One (1) additional page of content will be allowed for the final versions of the papers. The papers will be published online at the workshop webpage, at SBC SOL and also at the ACL Anthology.

Important dates

Paper submission: submit your paper at EasyChair webpage