Study Skills

Suggestions for success

- Come to school on time and be prepared with materials and assignments.

-Have a method to record (planner, phone) homework. Check your school email, especially if your teachers are using Google Classroom. Google Classrooms can be accessed on any computer (after school, Study Skills classrooms, the library, home).

-Keep homework assignments and handouts organized (homework binder, keep in a binder or accordion folder) with due dates recorded on the assignment. Date each paper you put in.

-Turn assignments in on time!!!

- Set your priorities. School work should come before activities like playing video games or going out with friends.

- Try to make a schedule that sets aside a time and place for doing homework and studying. After you follow this routine for a while, it will become a habit and not be so hard to do.

- Ask questions in your classes; use your time in Study Skills to get help with assignments, study, improve reading, writing, and test-taking skills

-Be willing to ask questions and/or stay after school on Monday, Tuesday, or Thursday.

-Sign up for the Portal, so you can monitor your progress in the classes that are posted. Self-advocating and independence are two ways to prepare for high school

-Middle school is not all work; have fun and join clubs or participate in sports.

Contact information


phone: Ichabod Crane - (518) 518-758-7575, ext. 313 mornings only - best after school