
Scoliosis is a sideways curvature of the spine that most often is diagnosed in adolescents. While scoliosis can occur in people with conditions such as cerebral palsy and muscular dystrophy, the cause of most childhood scoliosis is not known.

Most cases of scoliosis are mild, but some curves worsen as children grow. Severe scoliosis can be disabling. An especially serious spinal curve can reduce the amount of space within the chest, making it difficult for the lungs to function properly.

Children who have mild scoliosis are monitored closely, usually with X-rays, to see if the curve is getting worse. In many cases, no treatment is necessary. Some children may need to wear a brace to stop the curve from worsening. Others may need surgery to straighten more serious curves.


Symptoms of scoliosis may include:

With most scoliosis cases, the spine will rotate or twist in addition to curving side to side. This causes the ribs or muscles on one side of the body to stick out farther than those on the other side.


Health care providers don't know what causes the most common type of scoliosis — although it appears to involve hereditary factors, because the disorder sometimes runs in families. Less common types of scoliosis may be caused by:

Risk factors

Risk factors for developing the most common type of scoliosis include:


While most people with scoliosis have a mild form of the disorder, scoliosis may sometimes cause complications, including:


The health care team will initially take a detailed medical history and may ask questions about recent growth. During the physical exam, your provider may have your child stand and then bend forward from the waist, with arms hanging loosely, to see if one side of the rib cage is more prominent than the other.

Your provider also may perform a neurological exam to check for:

Imaging tests

Plain X-rays can confirm the diagnosis of scoliosis and reveal the seriousness of the spinal curvature. Repeated radiation exposure can become a concern because multiple X-rays will be taken over the years to see if the curve is worsening.

To reduce this risk, your health care provider might suggest a type of imaging system that uses lower doses of radiation to create a 3D model of the spine. However, this system isn't available at all medical centers. Ultrasound is another option, although it can be less precise in determining the seriousness of the scoliosis curve.

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) might be recommended if your health care provider suspects that an underlying condition — such as a spinal cord irregularity — is causing the scoliosis.


Scoliosis treatments vary, depending on the size of the curve. Children who have very mild curves usually don't need any treatment at all, although they may need regular checkups to see if the curve is worsening as they grow.

Bracing or surgery may be needed if the spinal curve is moderate or large. Factors to be considered include:

If your child has moderate scoliosis and the bones are still growing, your health care provider may recommend a brace. Wearing a brace won't cure scoliosis or reverse the curve, but it usually prevents the curve from getting worse.

The most common type of brace is made of plastic and is contoured to conform to the body. This brace is almost invisible under the clothes, as it fits under the arms and around the rib cage, lower back and hips.

Most braces are worn between 13 and 16 hours a day. A brace's effectiveness increases with the number of hours a day it's worn. Children who wear braces can usually participate in most activities and have few restrictions. If necessary, a child can take off the brace to participate in sports or other physical activities.

Braces are discontinued when there are no further changes in height. On average, girls complete their growth at age 14, and boys at 16, but this varies greatly by individual.


Severe scoliosis typically progresses with time, so your health care provider might suggest scoliosis surgery to help straighten the curve and prevent it from getting worse.

Surgical options include: