STEAMING for the future Erasmus+ project 2020-1-ES01-KA226-SCH-096028
Fifth LTTA Hosted by Scuola di Robotica
13th - 16th February 2023 (Italy)
Josep Peiró, Pep Toni Miras and Tomeu Mascaró, teacher trainers at IBSTEAM
Objectives from the short-term joint staff training event
To acquire best practices related to cybersecurity and celebrate Safer Internet Day.
To familiarize the participants with Roboethics.
To analyse the role Artificial Intelligence plays and will play in education.
To acquire best practices related to educational robotics.
To get to know the Italian education system from kindergarten up to upper secondary and tertiary studies.
Arrival to Genoa
Department of Architecture and Design
Free time to visit and explore the city
Introduction to Safer Internet Day
HaloCode workshop
Visit to Fundazione Fassicomo
Safe Use of Digital Media and AI Bias and Stereotypes
Workshop on robotics
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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be
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