Community Support

Community Support Services provide rehabilitative and supportive services for individuals with a primary mental health diagnosis. Such services include treatment for substance issues when that is an identified need. Direct Care staff provide rehabilitation and support services in the community with the intention of working alongside the individual to maintain stable community living and preventing exacerbation of their mental illness and admission to higher levels of care. 

IBHS Community Support staff encourages the provision of services in the community and within the consumer’s living environment. Accessibility to the Direct Care staff is not limited to the office; meetings may be held outside the office and in the community based on the needs of the consumer. IBHS Community Support Services are based out of 1430 South Street, Suite 201. Staff uses this facility to make phone calls, complete documentation, attend meetings, and hold consumer meetings when appropriate.

Community Support encourages weekly contact of up to 90 minutes with consumers participating in the program. This allows for maximum benefit to the individual being served. IBHS strives to stabilize participants within 90 days medically. This allows IBHS to link participants to a primary care physician to assess needs and make referrals to help the individual become physically healthy. Medical stability also refers to psychiatric care under the supervision of an Advanced Practicing Nurse or Psychiatrist. IBHS believes when participants are medically stable and under treatment that this reduces barriers to rehabilitation. Ideally, when an individual is medically stable, staff can begin the work of assisting participants with activities of daily living, social skills, and vocational skills. IBHS understands variables in working with consumers who experience severe mental illness, and this description of community support services serves as a guideline and not a hard rule. IBHS works with individuals on where they are, and the priorities are set forth.