Library Policies
Hours of Operation
The library is open Monday-Friday during school hours. Students may check out books, return books, place books on hold, take AR tests, and read quietly before school (8:00am-8:20am), during recess (if we do not have a class), and with their regularly scheduled class.
Overdue Fines
Students will not be charged fines for overdue books. It is requested that students renew books each week to keep them from becoming overdue, or that students return books before they are due.
Lost and Damaged Book Fines
Students will, however, be charged fines for lost and damaged books. If a book is lost or damaged, the book must be paid for in order to check out any new materials. Payment for a lost or damaged book is reimbursed should the book be found and returned in good condition. Students will be fined for books not returned by the end of the year. Fines remaining at the end of the school year will be turned into the office as debts. Students owing books or fines at the end of the year will not receive a report card. Students returning the following year with debts will not be allowed to check out new books until the debts are taken care of. All fines should be taken care of in the library during the school year. During the summer, fines can be taken care of in the office.
Library Books for Transferring Students
Any items checked out at the time a student withdraws from school must be returned and paid for upon withdrawal. Students who transfer within the parish with fines on their account, will still have these fines at the new school. Fines must be taken care of at the school where the fine occurred. If a student transfers schools and still has the book, they can return it to the librarian of their new school and the librarian will send the book back to the previous school through the parish’s school mail system.
Other Information
Students will visit the library twice per week for instructional time, book selection, and centers.
Students in grades 1-6 may borrow 2 books per week.
Students in Kindergarten will borrow 1 book per week immediately following the Christmas Holidays
Books are due back every week on the student's assigned library day.
Vision Statement
The Belle Place Elementary School Library will be the heart of the school, a place where all teachers and all students feel safe, excited to learn, and empowered by knowledge.
Our Mission
The mission of the Belle Place Elementary School Library is to create lifelong learners and readers by enriching and diversifying the library curriculum through a variety of materials and informational resources. The library will incorporate all major content areas into weekly lessons. Students will develop problem solving skills, learn to communicate and collaborate with their peers, and experience more student-led learning.