Suicide Prevention

Missouri Department of Mental Health has created a website page with a host of resources for students and their parents to access on this site in regards to suicide prevention. Take a peek and see what you can find.

Precipitating Factors:

Interpersonal Conflict is the Major Trigger

What is happening at home? What is happening in the school? What is happening in the child's relationships at home and at school?

Risk Factors:

  1. Personal: Impulsive, high levels of stress and frustration, poor problem solving skills, lack of belonging, feelings of hopelessness
  2. Health: Family History of depression, bipolar disorder, conduct disorder, psychotic disorder, substance abuse in the home
  3. Behavior: Substance Abuse, Delinquency, Aggressive/violent behavior, withdrawing from normal activities
  4. Mental and Physical Stress: Adverse childhood and adverse Life events, Child Abuse, Financial Strain
  5. Historical:
  • Lots of stress in the home - access to lethal means to harm self, Exposure to another person's suicide; Barriers to accessing physical and mental health services
  • Lots of stress at school - harassment, bullying, relationship problems with adults and peers, lack of acceptance, lack of respect, limited access to mental health care

Warning Signs

  1. Changes in Mood: Rage, Irritability, Humiliation, Anxiety, Loss of interest, Low self-confidence, Aggression, Hopelessness
  2. Changes in Behavior: Difficulty getting along with others; withdrawing and not engaging with others including family or peers, Decrease in school performance, Bully or victim of bullying, No longer participating in an activity that previously enjoyed, acting recklessly, recent loss (Death, Divorce, Separation, strained social connections/friendships ending)

Stop a Suicide today!

Protective Factors to Increase Resiliency

  1. Individual Characteristics: psychological well-being; positive attitude; the ability to understand and manage one's emotions; good problem-solving skills; Coping skills for stress
  2. Healthy, Satisfying Relationships with others at home and school
  3. Opportunities to be a part of something greater, to be accepted, and to be able to assist others, to be a part of the decision making process for their lives and to become a part of a solution instead of a problem
  4. Access to Mental Health and healthcare providers and caregivers