Summer + Sam

Sam is a 200 RYT Vinyasa Yoga teacher, Balanced Body trained mat & reformer Pilates instructor, and former professional ballerina. With years of teaching experience, Sam is known for attention to form and detail, hands-on adjustments, and fun playlists. She and Summer became friends while studying in the same yoga teacher training program - in Tulum!

Summer was raised in the household of two vinyasa yoga instructors, so flowing and practicing yoga is part of her roots. She received her 200 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher certification through Yoga Alliance in 2016 at the age of 18 and has been teaching yoga internationally for 7 years. With love for this traditional practice, Summer has created her own unique flow that involves intuitively moving one’s body, traditional vinyasa postures, dance, breathwork, and a whole lot of fun. 

Our Story

Our mission is to celebrate women through movement, breath, and sisterhood. 

This retreat was born through Summer and Sam's mutual love for Pilates/yoga along with the fun energy and healing that occurs when women gather. Their hope is to hold a space where you can recharge and recconect with yourself. Discover the beauty of nature, moving your body lovingly, connecting with other women, and swimming in the sea! This retreat has something for every kind of woman. YOU are welcome.