Services and Workshops

 One-on-One Guided Elemental Meditation

One-on-One Sound Bath 

        One-on-One Chakra Alignment

30-min Shamanic Guidance

Includes Celtic Spirit Animal Meditation Card Work

45-min Elemental Facial

Licensed Esthetician in CA and PA

40-min Group Meditation

40-min Group Sound Bath

40-min Couples Guided Meditation

1-hour Group Guided Meditation & Sound Bath

Personal  Shamanic Guidance 

Weekly & Monthly Terms Available

Available for in-home, on-set, touring and travel for regular meditation, breath work, and shamanic guidance. 

Specializing in Elemental Meditation

What are Elements?

Healers and alchemists have long believed there are four cardinal elements: fire, earth, air, and water, which are considered to be the base of creation. Some consider consciousness (being)  - the combination of the cardinal elements - and space to be two additional elements, which may be included in some Elemental Meditations. 

What is Elemental Meditation?

Elemental Meditation is the practice of focusing on the elements of fire, earth, air, and water (and sometimes consciousness and space) during a session, using the traits of each to gain awareness of our connection to the natural world. 

"The Elemental Compass"  Created by R. Hensley (2023)

What is the goal of meditation?

The goal of meditation is different for everyone. Some people us meditation as a tool to connect more deeply with their spirituality, to connect to a deity or spirit guide. Others find the practice helps them to reground, recenter, and focus more, while still others just enjoy it as a practice for relaxation. 

In any event, meditation has been proven to have a multitude of health benefits, including easing anxiety and depression, boosts self-confidence, reduces stress, reduces inflammation, improves quality of sleep, improves brain function, can help curb addiction,  eases pain, can help with food cravings, and decreases blood pressure. Studies have shown that a daily practice of meditating for just 20 minutes can make a huge difference in a person's health and well-being. 

What is the Celtic Tradition?

The "Celtic Tradition" is oftentimes referred to as Druidism, a pre-Christian, nature-based, polytheistic religion. Their secretive practices were an oral tradition, handed down by word-of-mouth, never written or recorded. Much of what we know about their lives and spiritual beliefs and practices, survives solely based on generations of family heritage, the work of paleontologists, and academic conjecture. 

The Druids were known for their meditative practices, often utilizing meditation to commune with the gods and spirit animals. Their practices differed from more Eastern practices in their focus on the natural world and their connection to it. 

The Celtic Tree of Life

Sound Therapy in the Celtic Shamanic Tradition

Sound therapy is the practice of including instrumentation, vocalization, and chanting to a meditative practice to create ambiance and/or build an environment which enhances the session. Sound can be used to encourage relaxation, elevate energy, and inspire healing. Unlike Eastern practices, which tend to incorporate singing or crystal bowls and gongs, the Celtic Shamanic Tradition incorporates native wood flutes, frame drums, lyre, and the sansula kalimba, which some describe as being "earthy and grounded" as opposed to "ethereal."

Celtic  Spirit Animal Meditation Deck

Second Printing $35 + Shipping

A hand-stamped, natural, organic muslin, drawstring bag holds a deck of 20 gorgeous cards, designed by Robert Hensley, along with an instruction/interpretation guide. 

This deck was created as a unique and entertaining addition to your meditation practice. These beautiful cards are a fun way to introduce Elemental Meditation and to implement Spirit Animal guidance into your practice. Can be used as a simple two-card system for daily meditation or a twelve-card system for a weekly practice. 

Cardinal Elements Sticker $5 + Shipping

The "Celtic Spirit Animal Elemental Meditation Deck" and "Cardinal Elements" stickers will soon be physically available in select boutique locations: