Governmental Affairs

February 10, 2019

Judy Tiggelaar - Governmental Affairs, chair

Welcome to the 101st General Assembly. Approximately 60 new legislators have taken their seats in either the Senate or the House. We have a new governor leading the way. There is a feeling of optimism in the halls of the State Capitol. Since there are so many new legislators it is time for IAHPERD to introduce ourselves to the rookies and reconnect with the veteran legislators. Shape Up Illinois on March 20th will be our big lobby day to may those connections as an organization. However, we need to you to connect with your legislator before then. Make a phone call, set up a meeting, talk about the great things that are happening in your physical education, health and dance programs. Our new legislators have a steep learning curve to overcome. We need to help them grow into their new job.

IAHPERD members have an opportunity to do what we do best…….TEACH.


IAHPERD has put forward two bills for the 101st General Assembly. Senate Bill 1189 (Chief Sponsor Senator Linda Holmes and House Bill 2234 (Chief Sponsor Representative Sonya Harper). We are running identical bills the Senate and the House in order to maximize visibility.

Our IAHPERD lobbyists Jennifer Ross and Jenni Purdue are providing the IAHPERD Governmental Affairs Committee (Laura Nussle, Steve Breen, Paul Pennington, Janelle Marconi and Abe Carretto) updates on pending legislation. We are closely monitoring legislative action in Springfield. Our lobbying team guide us through the political maze in Springfield.

Synopsis of the Bills

Provides waivers for a physical education mandate to remain in effect for 2 years and may be renewed 2 times. Requires elementary school students to engage physical education for a minimum of 150 minutes and middle/high school students for a minimum of 225 minutes per week. Provides that a school board may determine the schedule or frequency of physical education courses.

If a student nonattendance day is scheduled for a day that would otherwise include physical education or the school building is not open to students, physical education for that day does not need to be made up (i.e., if physical education is regularly scheduled for Monday, Wednesday and Friday, but a teacher inservice is scheduled on a given Monday, physical education for that Monday does not have to be moved to Tuesday or Thursday.

You will receive an email blast regarding completing a witness slip once we know exactly when SB 1189 will come before the Senate Education Committee. You will receive a similar email blast when we know when HB 2234 will come before the House Education Committee. The Governmental Affairs Committee is preparing a list of IAHPERD members who will be testifying at the Senate and House Education Committee Hearings.

Senate Bill 1189 (Chief Sponsor Senator Linda Holmes)

House Bill 2234 (Chief Sponsor Representative Sonya Harper)

What can you do?

Contact your state Representative and Senator (the one who has an office in Springfield) and express your support for both bills. Encourage your legislators to support SB 1189 and HB 2234.

Not sure who represents you at the capitol in Springfield

Click on the link CAPWIZ

Type in your address and zip code

Look for your State Senator and Representative that has an office address in Springfield