Sponsored Projects

HBL Power Systems Pvt. Ltd

Prediction of RUL (Remaining Useful Life) of the Lithium-Ion Battery pack using machine learning techniques for second life usage.


2 years

Co-Prinicipal Investigator

DST-PURSE (SR/PURSE/2020/20-TPN 57086)

2D materials based sensor systems for rapid diagnosis of human diseases through analysis of exhaled breath (Theme 4)


Feb 2022 to Feb 2026

Co- Principal Investigator 


Ceremorphic Technologies Private Limited (Industry)

Memristors for Neuromorphic and In-memory Computing Applications


June 2022 to June 2025

Principal Investigator

Sri Karthikeya Security Services (Industry Project)

Development of Infrared Sensor for Security Applications


May 2022 to November 2023

Principal Investigator 

DRDO - CARS Project

Design and Development of Multi-Sensor System for Health Monitoring


Jan'22 to July'23 

Co- Principal Investigator

SERB-Start Up Grant - Approved

Water Soluble and Flexible Quantum 2D Materials Devices for Personal Healthcare Monitoring


Oct'20 to Oct' 22

Principal Investigator 

Redpine Signals Inc (Industry Sponsored) 

2D Nanomaterials based Flexible Resistive Memory (Memristors)


July'20 to July'22

Principal Investigator

Additional Competitive Research Grant, BITS Pilani

Direct growth of 2D materials by Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) on flexible substrates and its application in wearable electronics


Sept' 19 to Sept' 21

Principal Investigator 

Research Initiation Grant (RIG), BITS Pilani

Cleanroom free, solution processed fabrication of flexible nanoelectronic devices for sensing applications

Rs. 2,00,000

Jan' 19 to Jan' 21

Principal Investigator