Sports at Heron Way

Sport Funding

All schools have been allocated funding to improve PE and Sport Provision.

Throughout this academic year we have been working hard to spend the money in a way that will benefit the children’s health and wellbeing and improve their attitudes and behaviour towards learning.

Since September 2022 the funding has been used in a number of different ways, the points below illustrate this:-

Sustainable Participation and Development.

The sports premium at Heron Way is used to implement initiatives that are sustainable moving forwards. Our specialist PE coach teaches PE daily in discreet sessions alongside the class teacher. This brings about sustainable improvements in the continuing professional development of all staff - PE is a bespoke subject that requires a bespoke set of skills. 

We strive to ensure that all children enjoy PE and we are encouraged by the increased uptake in extra curricular PE activities. 

Sports Premium Funding- Year Ahead - 2023-2024.pdf

Sports Premium Funding Document