The General Data Protection Regulation came into force on the 25th May 2018. It regulates the way that Data Controllers such as Heron Way Primary School process personal data about people (pupils, parents, employees, etc) and the legal rights that individuals have in relation to that data.

Data protection at Heron Way Primary School is monitored by our data protection officer who reports to the Head Teacher and Governing Body. The school's Data Protection Officer (DPO) is Judicium. If you have any queries relating to data protection, our DPO can be contacted using the details below:

Post: Heron Way Primary School, Heron Way, Horsham, West Sussex, RH13 6DJ


Phone: (01403) 261 944.

Heron Way Primary School fully complies with information legislation. Use the links below to view our privacy notices and some key documents relating to GDPR:

HW Data Protection Policy - Jan 2023 (2).pdf

Data Protection

Copy of Freedom of Information Model Publication Scheme May 21.pdf

Freedom of Information


Privacy Notice Pupils


Privacy Notice Workforce

Heron Way Primary School has adopted the document retention policy from the IRMS. Details of this policy and how long we retain specific records can be obtained by following this link.