
Admissions Policy

The local Authority deals with admissions to all county schools through the Admissions Office in Horsham.  The address and telephone number can be found on the first page of the School Prospectus.

The general policy is to provide a place for your child at the designated school, which is normally your local school.  Should the school be oversubscribed, a place will be offered at another school.  If you express a preference for another school, your request will be agreed, unless there are more applications than places available.

All schools have a Published Admission Number (PAN).  If the number of applications for a particular school is within its PAN, places can normally be offered to all who apply.

Contact us if you would like a tour of the school with the Head Teacher

Please contact us in the Autumn Term (from September 2023) if you would like to arrange a school tour. 

Tours will take place on a Tuesday and Thursday at 9:30am. If you would like to reserve a place, please use the details below:


Phone: 01403261944


Compressed EYFS Curriculum Video.mp4

Welcome to the Early Years Curriculum! 

To give you a little insight into what we will offer your children here at Heron Way. The presentation will outline the experiences and opportunities that your child will have in and around the school, allow you to have a greater understanding of our ethos and to start building a strong and cohesive partnership.

Preaparation for School (1).mov

Preparation for School

A short movie form our Early Years Lead Mrs Vincent - some advice to help prepare your children for school! 

RR - Miss Russell.MOV

Welcome from Miss Russell


Welcome from Mrs Vincent


Our Virtual Tour!

Heron Way Prospectus.pdf

Our Heron Way Prospectus for Parents

Admissions 2021 Leaflet.pdf

Some Information about our Admission Arrangements