Pupil Voice / Llais y Plentyn

Prif ferch, prif fachgen a'r dirprwyon /            Head girl, head boy and deputies

Cyngor Ysgol / School Council 

Criw Cymraeg 

Sgwad Eco /   Eco Squad       

côd eco (1).pdf
Eco code (1).pdf

Sgwad Digidol / Digi Squad

Llysgenhadon Lles /    Wellbeing Ambassadors

Arweinwyr Awyr Agored / Outdoor Learning Leaders

Prif Ferch a Phrif Fachgen a'r Dirprwyon / Head Girl and Head Boy and the Deputies

There was a lot of interest for the role of Head Girl and Head Boy and after competitive interviews and careful consideration two enthusiastic and committed pupils from Year 6 were elected. It was also decided to elect Deputies to assist the Head Girl and Head Boy.

Cyngor Ysgol / School Council 

School Council work with Miss Price and have an important role within our school.  They enjoy organizing events and they are currently writing a Child Friendly Behaviour Policy.

Sgwad Eco / Eco Squad

Sgwad Eco work with Miss Bevan to ensure that the whole school is aware of the Eco-Schools programme. They will be taking the lead in carrying out an Environmental Review of the school environment. They will be ensuring that everyone in the school community is represented in the decision-making process and will take the lead in delivering the Eco-Schools Action Plan.

Criw Cymraeg

Criw Cymraeg are a group of representatives from across our school who will play a vital role in promoting the use of Welsh. They meet with Mrs Phillips and support the whole school in promoting and improving the Welsh language and ethos of the school. They have lots of exciting plans for developing the use of Welsh - keep checking the school Twitter page where updates will be posted regularly e.g. Brawddeg yr wythnos (Sentence of the week) and Seren yr Wythnos (Star of the Week). 

Sgwad Digidol / Digi Squad

The Digi Squad help Miss Raymond in supporting teachers and children across the school when they teach ICT and use new hardware or software. They maintain our devices (iPads & laptops) by keeping them charged, tidy and running smoothly. 

Llysgenhadon Lles / Wellbeing Ambassadors

The Wellbing Ambassadors, along with Mrs Rees-Davies, aim to promote a healthy and happy environment in school, through improving playtime. They organise different games on the yard and are in the processes of carrying out a survey to improve and buy new outdoor and playground equipment.

Arweinwyr Awyr Agored / Outdoor Learning Leaders

This enthusiastic group's task is to look after the school grounds with Miss Roberts. They enjoy gardening, weeding and tidying up. They hope to make a big impact during the year by making a new composting area and planting new vegetable beds.