Blynyddoedd 3,4,5 a 6

Gwefannau defnyddiol / Useful websites:

Wordwall: Amrywiaeth o gemau Iaith. / A variety of Language games.

ictgames: Amrywiaeth o gemau Iaith a Mathemateg. / A variety of Language and Maths games.


Dewiswch yr opsiwn 'Maths' ac yna mae amrywiaeth o gemau e.e. trefnu rhifau, gwerth lle ac adio ayyb. Mae rhai enghreifftiau isod. / Choose the option 'Maths', and then there are a variety of games e.g. ordering numbers, place value and addition etc. There are some examples below. 

Hwb: Mewngofnodwch ac yna chwiliwch am yr eicon 'J2e'. Mae rhai syniadau o weithgareddau isod i chi. / Log into to 'Hwb' and look for the J2e icon. There are some ideas below for you. 

Read Write Inc:

Red words RWI

Read Write Inc red words:

Mae'r geiriau ar y pwerbwynt yn eiriau aml-ddefnydd na fedrwch dorri lawr er mwyn eu darllen neu sillafu. Beth am ymarfer darllen a sillafu nhw? / The words on the powerpoint are high frequency words which you cannot break down to read or spell. How about practising reading and spelling them?