Being A Church School

Prayer Club is on a Tuesday at lunchtime with Mrs Francis. All children across the school are welcome!

Our Spirituality Group meet with Mrs Knowlson to  develop self-awareness, confidence, sense of worth, an understanding and application of personal values and beliefs, the ability to handle feelings and personal creativity . They are working on the development of openness and awareness to differences, empathy and an awareness of their place within the wider group,  school and community. 

Our Collective Worship Timetable

Monday: Singing / Welsh Assembly

Tuesday: I Sing Pop Assembly

Wednesday:  Values Assembly

Thursday: Open the Book Assembly with Father Jeremy Bevan

Friday: Celebration Assembly

Please see the slide show below for photographs and Twitter posts!

Visit the Church in Wales website. Click here.

Our school is part of the St. Catwg Ministry area

Visit the Swansea and Brecon Diocese website. Click here.

Prayer Spaces in School website. Click here

Our Cathedral- Brecon Cathedral. 

We enjoy iSing pop sessions every Tuesday! Check out the wonderful resources on the website here.

In the Autumn term, we loved our Project Touchline sessions with Mr Andrew. Teaching us importing sporting skills as well as key Christian values.