Welcome to St Mary's little rainbows

'Hello I'm Mrs Dixon. I help with running the club behind the scenes. 

I am also member of the St Mary's Little Rainbows committee and I am the Nursery teacher at the school. I am passionate about learning through play and have recently qualified as a forest school leader. I just love being outdoors and getting muddy.'

'Hi, I'm Miss Watkins. I run the after school club and enjoy organising fun activities for the children to have a go at. We have recently updated our after school club room with some lovely new resources for our children to play with. I'm passionate about the importance of play in childhood development'.

'Hello I'm Mr Millington. I help out in the after school club with Miss Waktins. During the day I work in our Resource Provision within the school. I enjoy being outdoors and interreacting with the children. My ambition is to become a teacher to inspire future generations'.

'Hello, I' Mrs Davies. I help out in the after school club with Miss Watkins and Mr Millington. I also work in the Resources Provision within the school. I am very creative and really enjoy being able to put my creative skills to the test'.