Clarinet Grade 1

Here are some videos of exam pieces for you to listen to, and to practice with. Some may be a little faster than you can manage at the moment so keep practicing, remembering to tongue, slur and breathe correctly. Also hold your clarinet out at a 45 degree angle and try not to rest it against your leg. Have fun!

daisy bell A1

minuet A2

sundown B2

little brown jug B3

Early doors C1

eckington stomp C3


Grade 1 Scales

Grade 1 Scales Flash Cards(Cut them out and test yourself)


trinity list A

Shepherds hey

trinity list A


trinity list A

party games

trinity list B


trinity list B

wider listening

Here's some further pieces for you to listen to and have a go at playing.

Seriously now


March- Lefevre

Piano accompaniments: for reference

piano accompaniment- daisy bell

piano accompaniment-seriously now

Trinity Jazz clarinet exam pieces:

soldier boy- Norton

jazz list A

jazz music for beetles-Bennett

Jazz list A