MPPS Newsletter



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31st  January 2025

Tesco 'Stronger Starts Project' 

Thank you to the MPPS community for your support with the 'Stronger Starts Project'. The aim of the project is to raise funds for 'Outdoor Learning Provision'. We want you to help us promote discovery and independence for our pupils by purchasing tools and equipment for them to learn outdoors and connect with nature. 

The project with the highest number of votes across our region will receive £1,500 , the second placed project £1,000, and the third placed project £500. 

This week we have been sent a personalised video from Jessica Ennis-Hill. Click on the link below to watch!

Click here to watch our video 

If you visit the following stores please remember to receive one token per transaction and post it in the correct cylinder. The Mount Pleasant cylinders will be at the following stores! 

5990 Rogerstone Newport Express Express NP10 9EX

6225 Risca Extra NP11 6NP .

We are very excited! Good Luck Mount Pleasant! 

Dates for the Diary

Welcome to Miss A Garnett-Jenkins

Following a rigorous recruitment process I'd like to welcome Miss Garnett-Jenkins to the Mount Pleasant Family. She will be working with Miss Stockford in the school office during the morning sessions. I'm sure you will all make her feel really welcome. 

Multiply Maths meeting for Nursery Parents  

Come along on Monday 3rd/10th/17th  February 2025 - 11.00 am and 3.00 pm to our Nursery Maths meeting just before pick up. We will be sharing some top tips on how to support your child with Maths. We look forward to sharing some great ideas to help your child have fun with mathematics. If you are able to attend please let Miss Bullock know.

Gong Hei Fat Choy! Happy Chinese New Year!

Wishing all of the MPPS community a very happy Chinese New Year! Our Reception pupils have been learning about this wonderful festival. They've been making lanterns, preparing for festivities, learning dragon dancing and writing their names in Chinese. This year is the year of the snake, the snake is the sixth animal in the Chinese zodiac cycle and is traditionally associated with traits like wisdom, intuition and charm. People born in the Year of the Snake are believed to be perceptive, intelligent and graceful. 

Thank you to Mei Yip (6J) who has been talking to our Reception pupils about Chinese traditions at this time of year. We hope you enjoyed your dumplings!

Internet Safety 

Please click on the link to access the latest news, guidance, resources and training to help keep you and your family stay safe, secure and smart online. .

It has been brought to our attention that there have been concerns regarding the online app; 'Roblox'. Please click on the link to access information on how to keep your child safe whilst playing online; 

Chartwells School Dinners

Thank you to parents who have booked their child's dinner on a Sunday for the following week (prior to returning to school on the Monday). This is incredibly helpful. 

Click on the link below to access the dinner menu. 

Chartwells Dinner Menu 

Head lice and Nits

Head lice and nits are very common in young children and their families. Please check  hair regularly as they are picked up by head-to-head contact.  Click the link to access information from NHS with some good guidance about how to get rid of head lice.

School Attendance

Remember not to take holidays in term time. Poor attendance can significantly impact on the well-being and academic attainment of your child. Our attendance target is 96% for the whole school. Please see chart which demonstrates the effects of good and poor attendance. Our current whole school attendance is 95.3% if your child is unwell please contact the school office. 

Parking Responsibly at drop off and collection times

This is a reminder to remember to park responsibly at the start and end of the school day. We have received multiple complaints from local residents this week, please help us to resolve this issue. Thank you. 


NSPCC National Numeracy Day 2025 - Friday 7th February

Please see message below from NSPCC

Take up the challenge and Dress up for Digits

Simply ask your pupils and staff to wear an item of clothing with a number on it and make a donation. This could be a favourite sports top or cap, or even a onesie. Or why not get more creative and design a unique t-shirt, hat or even become a human-sized calculator or dice!

PTA Meeting - 30th January 2025 

Thank you to our wonderful PTA for hosting the Spring Term Meeting. There are lots of exciting events in the pipeline! 

Another diolch to our MPPS families for completing the PTA Questionnaire, your responses will help the PTA to move forward. Please come and join in on the next meeting, further details will be provided closer to the time.