MPPS Newsletter



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Friday 10th January 2025

 New Year, New Newsletter!

Happy New Year! Blwyddyn Newydd Dda!

Welcome back to the start of the Spring Term. We are looking forward to working with you this term to provide the best education and sense of well-being for your child. I'd like to welcome our rising 3 families to the Mount Pleasant Primary School Community. 

Dates for the Diary

Chartwells School Dinners

Please remember to book your child's dinner on a Sunday for the following week (prior to returning to school on the Monday). Thank you

Click on the link below to access the dinner menu. 

Chartwells Dinner Menu 

School Attendance

Remember not to take holidays in term time. Poor attendance can significantly impact on the well-being and academic attainment of your child. Our attendance target is 96% for the whole school. Please see chart which demonstrates the effects of good and poor attendance. Our current whole school attendance is 95.2% if your child is unwell please contact the school office. 

Managing Allergies in School  

I'd like to make you aware that some pupils in school are allergic to nuts and require urgent medical treatment if they come in contact with them. We ask parents to support us by making sure that school is a 'nut free' zone. This will help us minimise any risk of reaction or cross contamination. Thank you for your support in this matter. 

Click on the link if you'd like further information regarding allergies. 

Visit from the Leader of the Council and his Deputy

Huge thanks to Alexander MacAlast and Phoebe Brickley, our Super Ambassadors  took Councillor D. Batrouni  and Councillor D. Davies on a learning walk of our school this week. It was a wonderful opportunity to celebrate our school success and discuss opportunities for the future. Well done Alex and Phoebe you did a fabulous job! 

School Clubs Update (Year 1 - Year 6)

School clubs start week beginning 13th January. Your child has been informed if they have been allocated a place in a school club this term, if you have not received confirmation, your child has not been successful on this occasion. If your child has not secured a place in a club this term they will be placed on a waiting list.  Thank you to all of the staff who give of their time voluntarily in order to provide extra curricular clubs for our pupils.