Dosbarth Derbyn

Reception Class

Croeso i dudalen y Dosbarth Derbyn.

Welcome to the Reception Class page.

Croeso cynnes i dudalen y Dosbarth Derbyn. 

Eleni (2023-2024) mae gennym 26 o ddisgyblion yn y dosbarth. Athrawes y Dosbarth Derbyn yw Mrs Natalie Hunter ac yn cynorthwyo yn y dosbarth mae Miss Carol a Miss Sarah. 

Welcome to the Reception Class page. 

This year (2023-2024) we have 26 pupils in class. Mrs Natalie Hunter is the Reception Class teacher and the class support staff are Miss Carol and Miss Sarah. 

Mrs Natalie Hunter

Athrawes Dosbarth Derbyn 

Arweinydd Ardal Meithrin/Derbyn

Reception Class Teacher

Nursery/Reception Area Leader

Miss Carol

Cynorthwy-ydd Cyfnod Sylfaen 

Foundation Phase Pupil Support Worker

Miss Sarah

Cynorthwy-ydd Cyfnod Sylfaen

Foundation Phase Pupil Support Worker

Thema Tymor y Gwanwyn 2024:- 

Our Theme for the Spring Term 2024:-

'Tŷ bach twt'/ ' Home Sweet Home'

Gwybodaeth Defnyddiol/Useful Information

Clwb Brecwast/Breakfast club- 8:00-8.30

Bore/Morning - 8:40 - 12:00 (drysau'n agor am 8.30/doors open at 8.30)

Prynhawn/Afternoon - 1:00 - 3:00

Mae croeso i blant ddod â darn o ffrwyth gyda nhw i'r ysgol i gael amser chwarae bore. 

Mae siop ffrwythau gyda ni yn ysgol sydd yn gwerthu ffrwyth. Gall blant ddod a 30c y dydd neu £1.50 am yr wythnos.

Pupils are welcome to bring a piece of fruit with them to have as a morning snack.

The school tuck shop sells fruit at breaktimes. Children can bring 30p a day or £1.50 for the week.

Bydd y plant y cael cynnig llaeth i yfed yn ystod amser chwarae y prynhawn. 

The children are offered milk to drink during afternoon break.

Mae angen i'ch plentyn ddod a'i ffolder darllen a llyfr cofnod (melyn) i'r ysgol bob dydd. 

Your child needs to bring their reading folder and reading record book (yellow) to school everyday.

Dawns/Dance -  Dydd Llun/Mondays

Ymarfer Corff/PE -  Dydd Iau/Thursdays

Bydd angen i'r plant ddod i'r ysgol mewn gwisg addas a threinyrs ar y diwrnodau uchod.

The children will need to come to school in appropriate clothing and trainers on the days above.

Plis nodwch enw eich plentyn ar eiddo h.y siwmperi, cotiau, poteli, bagiau, potiau ffrwyth

Please write your child's name on their belongings e.g jumpers, coats, bags, bottles and fruit pots

Os oes unrhyw ymholiadau neu gwestiynau gyda chi, plis dewch i holi.

If you have any questions or concerns,  please just ask.

Diolch/Thank you

Mrs Natalie Hunter

Cliciwch ar y lluniau isod i weld ffotograffiau o'r 6 Maes  Phrofiad a Dysgu

Click on the pictures below to see photos of the 6 Areas of Learning and Experiences

Plantos y Derbyn 2023-2024

Reception Class Children 2023-2024