11.2S - Mesur Siapiau

  1. Pedwar Pedrant

1. Y pedwar pedrant.pdf

Y Pedwar Pedrant

Nodiadau ac Ymarferion

1. Four Quadrants.pdf

The Four Quadrants

Notes and Exercises

2. Canolbwynt Llinell.pdf

Canolbwynt Llinell

Nodiadau ac Ymarferion

2. Midpoint of a Line.pdf

Midpoint of a Line

Notes and Exercises

2. Cymesuredd

3. Cymesuredd (Llinell a Cylchdro).pdf

Cymesuredd Llinell a Chylchdro

Nodiadau ac Ymarferion

3. Symmetry (Lines and Rotations).pdf

Symmetry Line and Rotation

Notes and Exercises

3. Onglau

3a. Cyfrifo Onglau.pdf

a. Cyfrifo Onglau

Nodiadau ac Ymarferion

3a. Calculating Angles.pdf

a. Calculating Angles

Notes and Exercises

3b. Onglau mewn Triongl.docx.pdf

b. Onglau mewn Trionglau

Nodiadau ac Ymarferion

3b. Angles in Triangles.pdf

b. Angles in Triangles

Notes and Exercises

3c. Onglau mewn Polygonau.pdf

c. Onglau mewn Polygonau

Nodiadau ac Ymarferion

3c. Angles in Polygons.pdf

c. Angles in Polygons

Notes and Exercises

4. Trawsffurfiadau

4a. Trawsfudo.pdf

a. Trawsfudo

Nodiadau ac Ymarferion

4a. Translation.pdf

a. Translation

Notes and Exercises

4b. Cylchroi.pdf

b. Cylchdroi

Nodiadau ac Ymarferion

4b. Rotations.pdf

b. Rotation

Notes and Exercises

4c. Adlewyrchu.pdf

c. Adlewyrchu

Nodiadau ac Ymarferion

4c. Reflection.pdf

c. Reflection

Notes and Exercises

4ch. Helaethu.pdf

ch. Helaethu

Nodiadau ac Ymarferion

4ch. Enlargement.pdf

ch. Enlargement

Notes and Exercises