Hanner Tymor 1 / Half Term 1

Gwybodaeth ar thema'r tymor cyntaf a syniadau ar sut i gefnogi eich plentyn adref:

Information about the first term's theme and ideas on how to support your child at home:

Miss A Williams.pdf

Gwaith Cartref ar gyfer yr hanner tymor /

Homework for the half term:

Dyma'r gwaith cartref ar gyfer yr hanner tymor cyntaf /

Here is the homework for the first half term:

Poster Cystadleuaeth Teipio.pdf
Gwefan gwaith cartref.pdf

Dilynwch y ddolen yma i wylio sut i chwarae: / Follow this link to see how to access the game: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xiaU6A5vGyGB_AtS_uJBAlk2kp6ZHsTZ/view?usp=sharing

Untitled: Oct 11, 2022 4:18 PM.webm

Tasgau / Tasks:

Miss Passmore.pdf

Geiriau sillafu / Spelling words:

Sillafu - Miss Passmore.pdf

Diolch / Thank you!