Hwb intune & Cynllun EDTech

Hwb Overview.pptx

Safonau Digidol Addysg

Bydd y Safonau Digidol ar gyfer y maes Addysg sydd isod yn helpu ysgolion i ddeall, rheoli a gweithredu eu hamgylchedd digidol eu hunain neu gyda chymorth eu Partner ym maes Technoleg Addysg. 

Mae'r Safonau hefyd yn cynnig canllawiau ar sut y dylai ysgolion sicrhau bod eu hamgylchedd digidol yn un sy'n diwallu anghenion cwricwlwm ysgol sy'n rhoi mwy o sylw i sgiliau digidol at y dyfodol.

Bwriedir i'r Safonau hyn ateb y diben drwy weithredu fel arferion gorau er mwyn bodloni anghenion digidol. Fodd bynnag, derbynnir bod ysgolion yn gweithredu ar adnoddau prin a bod rhaid iddynt gynllunio i gyflawni'r Safonau dros amser.

Education Digital Standards

The Education Digital Standards will assist schools to understand, manage and implement their digital environment, by themselves or with their Education Technology Support Partner. The Standards also provide guidance on how schools should future-proof their digital environment to meet the needs of a more digitally focused school curriculum.

The Standards are envisaged as a best practice solution for schools to meet their digital needs. However, it is accepted that schools are operating on limited resources and have to plan for attaining the Standards over time.

This is why the SLA is so important. No school with their current budget can reach these standards on their own and provide a large offering as hwb does but also comply with the security and safety standards the Welsh Government requires for our schools. 

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