Noson Rieni

Booking a Slot for Parents' Evenings

Bydd nosweithiau rhieni Bro Edern yn rhai rhithiol eto eleni. Maen nhw'n cael eu cynnal ar-lein drwy blatfform School Cloud. Bydd cod unigol i chi gan yr ysgol ar gyfer eich noson rieni. Bydd y codau'n cael eu tecstio atoch. Maen nhw'n godau 8 digid.

Cyn i'r cyfnod bwcio ddechrau, bydd y swyddfa’n tecstio pob rhiant sy’n brif gyswllt eu plentyn, drwy neges destun Teachers2Parents a hwn fydd eich login teuluol ar gyfer y noson rieni. Bydd rhieni i efeilliaid yn defnyddio’r un cod ar gyfer y ddau blentyn. Noder, os gwelwch yn dda, mai hwn fydd eich cod ar gyfer pob apwyntiad School Cloud ym Mro Edern o hyn ymlaen. Peidiwch â dileu’r neges, a gwnewch gofnod gofalus ohono ar gyfer y dyfodol. Mae'n cymryd rhai oriau i'r swyddfa anfon y codau at bawb, felly ni fydd pawb yn derbyn y neges ar union yr un adeg.

Bro Edern's parents' evenings will be held virtually this year. They will be held online through the School Cloud platform. You will be texted an individual code from school for each parent evening. The codes are 8 digit numbers.

Before the booking opens, parents will receive an individual booking code for the School Cloud System. The office will text all parents who are their child’s main contact, via a Teachers2Parents text message and this will be your family login for the parents’ evening. Parents of twins will need to use the same code for both children. Please note that this will be your code for all future School Cloud appointments at Bro Edern. Please don’t delete the message; make a careful record of it for the future. It takes several hours for the office to text all parents individually, therefore parents will receive the codes at different times.

Bydd angen i chi fwcio slotiau gyda'r gwahanol athrawon ar gyfer pob noson rieni. Nodwch, os gwelwch yn dda, fod y system gyfrifiadurol hon yn gweithredu system cyntaf i'r felin. Nid oes modd i ni fel ysgol newid y drefn.

Mae rhai athrawon yn dysgu un dosbarth yn unig yn y flwyddyn, tra bod eraill yn dysgu 3, 4 neu 5 dosbarth, sy'n golygu dros 100 o ddisgyblion. Pan fyddwn yn cwrdd yn y neuadd, mae'n aml yn amhosibl gweld pob athro, a'r un fydd y sefyllfa ar-lein. Mae'r slotiau'n gyfyng o ran amser, felly gall athrawon geisio gweld pawb sydd angen.

You will need to book slots with the various teachers for each parents' evening. Please note that this automatic online computer system operates on a first come, first served basis. We cannot overwrite it as a school.

Some teachers teach only one class in a year group, while others teach 3, 4 or 5 classes, which amount to over 100 pupils. When we meet in the hall, it is often impossible for you to see each teacher, and it will be the same with this system. The slots have a time limit. This means that teachers can try to see everyone during the evening.

Slotiau amser eleni

Rydyn ni'n treialu'r slotiau amser canlynol:

Blwyddyn 7,8,9 - 3 munud i bob pwnc

Blwyddyn 10 ac 11 - 4 munud i bob pwnc

Blwyddyn 12 a 13 - 5 munud i bob pwnc

This year's time slots

We are trialling the following time slots:

Blwyddyn 7,8,9 - 3 minutes per subject

Blwyddyn 10 ac 11 - 4 minutes per subject

Blwyddyn 12 a 13 - 5 minutes per subject

Ar y Noson:

Mae'n hanfodol eich bod yn rhywle sefydlog, gyda signal / cysylltiad wifi cyson a dibynadwy.

Mae angen dyfais gyda chamera a meicroffon arnoch er mwyn cymryd rhan yn y nosweithiau rhieni rhithiol. Gallwch ddefnyddio dyfais ysgol eich plentyn.

Gyda'r system hon, mae un sgrîn ar gyfer yr athro/awes ac un sgrîn ar gyfer rhieni.

Os yw mwy nag un rhiant eisiau bod yn rhan o'r cyfarfod, mae angen i'r person sy'n bwcio wahodd yr ail riant drwy e-bost.

On the evening:

It is essential that you are situated in somewhere stable with a reliable and constant signal / wifi connection.

You will require a device with a camera / webcam and a microphone in order to take part in the parents' evenings. You can use your child's school device.

With this system, there is one screen for the teacher and one screen for parents.

If more than one parent would like to be part of the meeting, the parent doing the booking needs to invite the other parent by e-mail.

Mae'n hanfodol eich bod yn gwylio'r fideo hwn, cyn bwcio unrhyw slotiau.
Dyma'r cyfarwyddiadau, gam wrth gam.
Wedi i chi wylio'r fideo, a derbyn eich cod, ewch i wefan y noson rieni, sef:
Cadwch eich holl fanylion yn saff ar gyfer y noson ei hunan.

It is essential that you view this video before accessing the system.
This is a step-by-step guide.
After watching the video, and receiving this code, you need to go to the parents' evening website:
Please keep your details safe for the actual evening.

Cysylltwch gyda Phennaeth Blwyddyn eich plentyn gydag unrhyw ymholiadau.

Please contact your child's Head of Year with any enquiries.