Croeso / Welcome

Dyma dudalen o gyfarwyddiadau i ddisgyblion blwyddyn 7-13 ar gyfer mis Ionawr, a'u rhieni. Darperir gwersi byw i holl ddisgyblion Bro Edern unwaith eto. Mae'n strategaeth risg uchel, lle mae angen llawer o bethau yn eu lle er mwyn i'r cynllun lwyddo. Mae hefyd yn gofyn i ddisgyblion a'u rhieni baratoi ymlaen llaw ar gyfer derbyn dysgu byw.

This is a page of instructions for year 7-13 pupils during January, and their parents. Live lessons will be provided for all Bro Edern pupils once again. This is a high risk strategy, where many elements need to be put in place in order for this to work. It also asks for our pupils and parents to prepare in advance to receive live learning.


  • Cytundeb dysgu byw disgybl wedi llenwi

  • Cytundeb dysgu byw rhiant wedi llenwi

  • Login a chyfrinair Hwb

  • iPad ysgol / Chromebook / dyfais / cyfrifiadur wedi gwefru'n llawn a'r wifren gwefru'n barod yn ei le

  • Wedi logio mewn i Google Classroom

  • Mynediad at Google Classroom pob pwnc sydd ar eich amserlen - mae'r codau i gyd ar

  • Copi o'ch amserlen - ar bapur neu ar yr app ClassCharts - bydd angen dilyn yr amseroedd a'r pynciau'n ofalus

  • Mynediad at Google Meet - naill ai ar y porwr Chrome ar y cyfrifiadur, neu drwy'r app Google Meet ar eich iPad, neu drwy'r porwr ar eich iPad.

  • Os ydych chi angen codau ClassCharts eto - mae rhai rhieni wedi derbyn ffôn newydd ar gyfer y Nadolig, yna cysylltwch gyda Mr Ellis:

  • Adnoddau eraill y wers: llyfr, uned, cas pensil ayb.


  • Pupil live learning contract completed

  • Parental live learning contract completed

  • Hwb login and password

  • School iPad / Chromebook / device / computer fully charged with the charging cable in place

  • Logged into Google Classroom

  • Access to the Google Classroom for every subject on your timetable - all the codes can be seen on

  • Copy of the timetable - on paper or on the ClassCharts app - pupils need to follow the times and subjects carefully

  • Access to Google Meet - either through the Google Chrome browser on a computer, or via the Google Meet app on the iPad, or via the iPad browser.

  • If you need your ClassCharts logins again - some parents have received a new phone for Christmas, please contact Mr Ellis:

  • Other lesson resources: book, unit, pencil case etc.


Os yw eich gwers wedi dechrau a dydych chi ddim yn gallu cyrraedd y wers, a phob cynllun wedi methu, a'r linc ar gyfer Google Meet eich gwers ddim yn gweithio, yna llenwch y ffurflen hon i gofrestru'r ffaith eich bod chi'n cael trafferth i gyrraedd eich gwers yn Google Meet. Bydd rhywun yn cysylltu nôl gyda chi cyn gynted ag y bo hi'n ymarferol bosibl i ni wneud hynny:

Genius Bar @BroEdern

Parents: This above link is to send a message to the technical team at school, if your child is having trouble accessing a lesson through Google Meet. This is the only reason it should be used, and should be used as a last resort, when you're sure there is a technical problem. Someone will contact you and your child as soon as possible in order to try and troubleshoot.


Rhai pethau pwysig:

  • Prydlondeb i'r wers - mae hyn yn golygu: Peidiwch â bod yn GYNNAR nac yn HWYR!

  • Mae angen clicio ar y linc i Google Meet er mwyn cyrraedd y wers ar yr union funud mae'r wers yn dechrau

  • Wrth gyrraedd gwers, bydd angen i chi fod â'ch meicroffon BANT, ond eich camera ARNO

  • Peidiwch â dod ag anifail anwes mewn i'r wers ar-lein. Os ydyn nhw o amgylch, bydd angen i chi eu rhoi mewn ystafell arall a chau'r drws

  • Peidiwch â chadw sŵn ar y sgrîn - mae angen i chi ddiffodd eich meicroffon ar bob achlysur pan fydd eich athrawon yn siarad.

  • Yn eich cytundeb, rydych chi wedi cytuno i beidio tynnu dim lluniau o'r wers, na screenshots. Mae hon yn rheol bwysig iawn ac rydyn ni'n disgwyl i chi ddilyn y rheol ar bob achlysur.

Some important issues:

  • Punctuality to every lesson - this means: Don't be EARLY nor LATE!

  • You will need to click to reach the lesson the exact second the lesson starts - you will need to keep a close eye on the clock

  • When you arrive at the lesson, your microphone needs to be OFF and your camera ON

  • Please do not bring any pets into your online lesson. If they are around, you will need to put them in another room and close the door.

  • Please do not make a noise on screen - you will need to mute your microphone at all times when your teachers are speaking to the class.

  • In the contract, everyone has agreed not to take any photos of the lesson, nor screenshots. This is an extremely important rule which needs to be followed at all times.

Eich Amserlen

Mae eich gwers gyntaf yn dechrau am 8:54, fel arfer. Bydd angen i chi fod yn brydlon! Cliciwch ar Google Meet yr union funud mae'r wers yn dechrau. Peidiwch ag ymuno'n gynnar nac yn hwyr. Bydd un amser cinio ar gyfer y cyfnod hwn, oherwydd y tro hwn, mae ein holl ddisgyblion yn y tŷ.

Gwers 1: 8:54

Gwers 2: 9:47

Egwyl 10:40 - 11:00

Gwers 3: 11:00

Gwers 4: 11:53 i bawb

12:46 - 13:39 Cinio i bawb

Gwers 5: 1:39

Gwers 6: 2:32

Parents: These are our usual lesson times. Our school day, apart from morning break, is always in 53 minute slots. Teachers will be running lessons to a tight schedule. This time, because everyone is at home, all pupils will be able to eat their lunch at the same time.



- Bydd pawb angen logio mlaen yn brydlon ar ddechrau gwers - bydd eich athrawon yn gwneud y gofrestr, fel arfer.

- Mae prydlon yn golygu ddim yn hwyr - OND HEFYD ddim yn gynnar

- Ni fydd cofrestru, byddwch yn mynd yn syth i wers 1 am 8:54

- Bydd pawb yn dilyn amserlen ac amseroedd diwrnod arferol

- Mae pawb yn cael cinio ar un pryd - ar ôl gwers 4

- Bydd gwersi Dysgu Byw yn para 45 munud, nid 53 munud fel yn yr ysgol

- Mae hyn yn rhoi 8 munud sbâr i chi rhwng gwersi er mwyn i chi ffeindio linc y wers nesaf, ffeindio eich llyfr/au ac adnoddau, neu fynd i’r tŷ bach

- Mae’n holl bwysig eich bod yn mynd YN BRYDLON i’r wers / linc nesaf.

Mae prydlon yn golygu ddim yn hwyr - OND HEFYD ddim yn gynnar

- Bydd ClassCharts yn cael ei ddefnyddio, fel arfer. Gwyrdd (a choch …)

- Bydd negeseuon testun yn mynd i rieni disgyblion sydd yn absennol o’u gwersi ar-lein

- Bydd Mr Pritchard, Mr Williams, yr Uwch Dîm Arwain a’r Penaethiaid Blwyddyn yn galw mewn a mas o wersi’r wythnos er mwyn gwirio bod pawb yn iawn


- Wrth gyrraedd ar ddechrau pob gwers, y drefn yw:

Meicroffon BANT / Camera YMLAEN

Mae’r athrawon angen eich gweld er mwyn cofrestru a gwneud cyflwyniad.

- Bydd y chat bant, nes i’r athro benderfynu eich bod angen cyfrannu ynddo

- Bydd angen i chi fod wedi gwisgo’n llawn ar gyfer dechrau’r dydd - dim dillad nos, fel gytunwyd yn eich cytundeb, ond hefyd does dim angen gwisgo gwisg ysgol!

- iPad / sgrîn wedi logio mewn i Hwb / Google Meet i wylio’r wers

- Gwifren ar gyfer gwefru, rhag ofn i’ch batri redeg yn isel

- Llyfrau / Unedau / Adnoddau ar gyfer y wers

- Cas pensil llawn offer perthnasol





- Mae gwersi’n cael eu cynnal ar Google Meet - gallwch fynd drwy iPad, cyfrifiadur, (ffôn braidd yn fach)

- Ar iPad, y ffordd hawsaf yw cyrraedd Google Meet drwy'r app

- Ar Chromebook, mae'n hawdd, drwy'r porwr Chrome

- Mae’n hawdd gweld Google Meet ar gyfrifiadur arferol - defnyddiwch y porwr Google Chrome

- Bydd angen dilyn eich amserlen i weld pa wers sydd gennych

- Bydd linc i’r wers yn ymddangos yn Ffrwd/Stream eich dosbarth ar Google Classroom er mwyn i chi glicio arno. Bydd angen bod wedi mewngofnodi i Hwb. Gweler y llun isod.

- Mae gwers 1 yn dechrau am 8:54am yn brydlon

Mae'r llun yn dangos enghraifft o Ffrwd/Stream lle mae'r linc ar gyfer y wers wedi cael ei osod ar ben y Ffrwd er mwyn i bawb fedru gweld a chlicio arno.


Mae fformat gwersi dysgu byw yn gallu amrywio. Dyma rai enghreifftiau:

- Gwers gyfan ar-lein gan yr athro/athrawes

- Cyflwyniad ar-lein ac yna cyfarwyddiadau i chi ddilyn yn Google Classroom, gyda’r athro/awes yn aros ar-lein petai problem

- Cyflwyniad i dasgau, ac yna deadline i chi orffen y gwaith a’i ddychwelyd i Google Classroom fel aseiniad wedi cwblhau

- Cyflwyniad ar-lein ac yna cyfle i wneud gweithgareddau rhyngweithiol fel rhan o’r wers e.e. Quizlet Live, Quizizz ayb

Bydd pob gwers yn wahanol! Ond bydd disgwyl i chi weithio drwy'r wers.

Bydd eich athrawon yn aros ar-lein yn yr ysgol, rhag ofn eich bod eisiau gofyn cwestiwn. Ar ôl 45 munud, byddan nhw, hefyd, yn symud ymlaen ac yn paratoi ar gyfer y wers nesaf.


There are lots of things to check, before the live learning can start ...

We have devised the plan in order to try and take the pressure off parents. This is obviously very different from the full lockdown, because staff are in school, teaching their classes all day.

During the lockdown, parents asked in every questionnaire that we sent out, whether their children could have "lessons on Zoom". The question was asked constantly! So, while we are not going to Zoom (because of security and child protection issues), your child will have live learning on Google Meet with their teachers, logging into the beginning of every new lesson. This is a major undertaking for both the school and the home, and there are many, many logistical considerations in order for this to work.

Your child needs a number of things in place in order for live learning to function at all.

This was the checklist:

  • A copy of their timetable
    We are aware that some pupils have lost their timetables.
    We are not re-issuing paper copies of the timetables, because the timetable appears in the ClassCharts app.

  • The ClassCharts app
    There are three different apps. A parent version, a teacher version and a pupil version. They are three different apps in the app store. Also, an account can be accessed by using and choosing the relevant type of account and entering your code. You can see your child's timetable here, with subjects and lesson times, alongside the green and (dreaded!) red points. All pupils and parents have been issued with the details. They can log on to a computer, or they can log onto the ClassCharts Student app (on a phone or iPad) with their codes. Please note that our school reports are now distributed to parents through ClassCharts.
    If anyone needs their codes re-issued, then please e-mail Mr Gary Ellis on clearly noting your child's name and class.

  • Google Classroom codes
    Pupils will require a different Google Classroom code for every subject they study (e.g. one for Welsh, one for English, one for Maths ... ) There is a different magic code for every Google Classroom. Pupils should have logged into these already, on their school iPad, and/or on a computer and/or on a phone etc. During this lockdown period, pupils following their timetables will log into 6 different Google Classrooms each day, so it is crucial that they are all ready to go. All Google Classroom codes are, as ever, on the Wal:

  • Google Meet
    The live learning will be hosted on Google Meet, which is part of Google for Education hosted by Welsh Government through Hwb.
    A Google Meet link for every lesson will appear in the Ffrwd/Stream of the relevant subject.
    Pupils click on the link in the Google Classroom of the subject on their timetable at that time, and will be able to see and hear their teachers and follow their lessons.
    You can choose to view Google Meet on a computer, laptop, iPad etc. If pupils choose to use a computer, they need to do so in the Google Chrome browser.
    If they are on their iPad, it is easiest through the Google Meet app. We believe that we have managed to install the Google Meet app on everyone's iPad who needs it.

  • Hwb logins
    However, pupils cannot access their Google Classrooms nor Google Meet unless they are logged into Hwb. If your child cannot log in to Hwb, please e-mail Mr Osian George, who will send the relevant details back to you. In the e-mail to Mr George, please note your child's full name and class. Mr George's details:

  • Google Chrome
    Because most of Bro Edern's Hwb work is based around Google for Education, it is best to use the Google Chrome browser on a computer at all times. You can download the Google Chrome app free of charge.

  • Conflicting Google accounts
    Some pupils allegedly "cannot log in" at home. Most of the time this is because the home device is logged into someone else's Google account. You will need to log the other person out of the Google Chrome browser, any windows, and out of their Google Drive or any and all of the Google Docs / Sheets / Slides apps. All of these different apps, and/or the Google Chrome browser will need to be logged into the pupil's Hwb account.

  • Live learning contracts
    In order for your child to receive a live lesson, we will need 2 completed contracts: one from the pupil and the other from a parent. Thanks to the vast majority who have completed these. If you still haven't managed to do so (or your child), here are the links:
    Disgybl / Pupil:
    Rhiant / Parent:
    Any pupils/parents who have not completed these forms, the pupils will not be allowed to receive a live lesson, which leaves your child with no work to complete, and no access to work.

  • Registration
    Please note that teachers will take a register at the beginning of every lesson. We have special codes for pupils both present and absent from live learning lessons. As agreed in the contract, any absence from an online lesson needs to be conveyed to the school the day before.

  • Some semblance of order
    You will have seen from the contract that pupils need to be ready to learn online, as they would be in a lesson. They need their pencil case, a charger for their device, their book/s, paper etc all with them before the lesson starts.

Feedback for parents from our experiences so far:

The feedback from parents has been overwhelmingly positive with the pupils who have trialled the live learning during their self isolation periods. Parents are truly relieved that their children can have lessons from their teachers all day, unlike the lockdown from March onwards. We would like to thank parents for all their support. Such a complicated and risky venture is impossible without clear parental support.

  • Punctuality - please do not allow your child to join a lesson EARLY NOR LATE. This makes things really complicated for the teachers in school. One of the main problems we have is online pupils all arriving at different times, therefore the lessons and explanations have to be restarted a number of times in some subjects. The exact login times are listed on this page, and must be followed.

  • Pets - please keep your fluffy friends out of view! The excitement can be a bit much for some online pupils and disrupts the flow of lessons! If the cat is prowling the area, please keep it in a separate room and close the door.

  • On arrival in lessons, pupils need to mute their microphones so that the lesson in class is not disrupted with the noise, but their cameras need to be ON.

  • We have asked teachers to disable the chat on arrival.

  • In the contracts you and your child signed, you all agreed that no photos nor footage of the online learning could be taken nor shared. We were very disappointed that this has become an issue once already this year. It only happened once, but that was enough. Any breaches of our contract will result in pupils being banned from the Bro Edern live learning experience.

  • Pupils need to be totally focused on their live learning. Phones and any further electronic gadgetry needs to be put away, just as they are in school.

  • Thanks in advance for going through these points with your child before they start on their live learning after half term!


Pupils need to connect to their lessons at the official start time - see times below.

Lesson 1: 8:54

Lesson 2: 9:47

Break 10:40 - 11:00

Lesson 3: 11:00

Lesson 4: 11:53

Lunch for all 12:46 - 1:39

Lesson 5: 1:39

Lesson 6: 2:32

We hope that everything is in place at both ends to make this a success.