
Return to your users and stakeholders for feedback

What does the design thinking model say?

Does your prototype achieve your goals?

As you continue to execute your vision, continue to test, evaluate, refine and improve.

What does this mean for curriculum design?

  • Trialling, adapting and refining your curriculum design, teaching, learning and assessment arrangements

  • Using an evidence informed, enquiry approach to investigating and extending class practice

  • Evaluating within the school improvement and evaluation cycle

  • Gathering and using feedback from practitioners, learners and wider stakeholders to inform refinements

  • Continuing to develop approaches to curriculum design, teaching, learning and assessment

'Schools should evaluate initial designs and trial further approaches. Schools should establish medium-term planning for year groups rolling out the following year.'

'Learn from and refine trials and testing of potential approaches to curriculum design, teaching, learning and assessment.'

'Evaluate trials and reflect on learning to influence ongoing curriculum design.'

'Continue to develop approaches to all Areas and disciplines within them to inform curriculum and assessment design.'

'Develop school-level action research models to help facilitate ongoing curriculum design and making.'

Key questions from Curriculum for Wales: the journey to curriculm roll-out to support next steps:

  • How can we continue to raise expectations for learners?

  • How will we ensure our curriculum responds to learners’ changing needs and our experience and growing understanding of curriculum design?

  • How will we continue to develop our curriculum and as a school as a learning organisation?