Welcome to the 2022 Virtual Careers and Higher Education Fair. This year we have produced an informative and interactive site which is designed to help young people and their parents or guardians find information and make contacts that will help young people make the right educational and career choices.

This information will prove extremely useful to pupils from a variety of year groups.

Year 8: Later this year, students will be exploring the world of work in their Integrated Curriculum lessons. The Virtual Fair provides information to help Year 8 students think about potential careers and the skill development and choices ahead of them.

Year 9: Are in the process of considering their Year 10 subject choices. By exploring careers, Further Education and University pathways, Year 9 students and parents can choose subjects relevant to their future goals.

Year 10: This year, students will be exploring the world of work including potential pathway choices after Year 11. The information in the Virtual Fair will be beneficial for both.

Year 11: Will soon be deciding whether to stay on at school in the Sixth Form, go to college, undertake training or enter into employment. The Virtual Fair will help with all these possibilities.

Year 12 and 13: Will soon be considering, or in the process of applying for their University, apprenticeship or career choices.

If you have any questions please contact Kirsten Jones, Pathways Administrator.